W2i Digital Communities Best Practices Awards Wireless: Uma Rede de Cidadania Project Lead:Date: 30/10/2006 Organization: Prefeitura de Sud MennucciCountry:Brazil.


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Transcrição da apresentação:

W2i Digital Communities Best Practices Awards Wireless: Uma Rede de Cidadania Project Lead:Date: 30/10/2006 Organization: Prefeitura de Sud MennucciCountry:Brazil site:

Background Population: 7,500 (85% urbana) Geographic: região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, a 600 km da capital Economic: agroindústria e pecuária Regulatory: Prefeitura de Sud Mennucci Community: órgãos municipais, população, empresários IT readiness: conexão à internet via rádio a custo zero

Project History Project History: A demanda do poder público em se conectar à grande rede web em 2002, propôs um desafio ao setor de informática, pois a conexão era discada e através de ligação interurbana. A partir deste desafio, Prefeitura se tornou um provedor e liberava um acesso discado e posteriormente via ondas de rádio para os órgãos públicos e a comunidade em geral. Briefly explain why and how the initiative started, i.e. the motivation for such a project, who were the key players (ex. City councils, User groups, Mayor, Agency executives, CIO etc) involved in initiating it. What was the process to get the project under way? What were the primary roadblocks faced in the process and how were they overcome? Also state for how long has this program been operational (month and year).

Mission & Objectives Mission statement: universlizar o conhecimento através da inclusão digital Project Objectives: briefly state the project objectives in terms of the project addressing one or more of the following: –municipal workforce productivity –Gestão pública –Agilidade na administração finenceira e no atendimento ao cidadão –Rigor no controle de gastos públicos –Motivação e interatividade entre os servidores –e-gov municipal –Transparência na prestação de contas –Cadastro único –providing improved Services to Citizens –shrinking the digital divide –local Community Economic Development

Business Model Community outreach undertaken and role of various stakeholders in the process Targeted users: –Current: Órgãos municipais Empresas População –Future Empresas de TI Universidades Partnerships: Describe the various partnership models used, including Public-Private partnerships

Project Economics Cost structure: –Include information on startup cost, operational costs, upgrading, etc –Startup costs (2002) US$ 7,6 thousand = US$ 2,2/usuário = 01 Big Mac –Operational startup costs US$ 21,0 thousand/year US$ 6,0 /usuário/year – Upgrade US$ 5,0 thousand – Operational costs US$ 31,0 thousand/year US$ X,0 /usuário/year

Project Economics Investment Sources/ Funding Sources –How is the project funded –O projeto foi executado com recursos próprios –Investment level –US$ 7,6 thousand –0,5 % do orçamento municipal (2002) Return on Investment –Also, include information on any revenue sources Sustainability and Scalability of the project

Applications Current applications Future/ Potential applications

Network Schematic Please provide a pictorial representation of your network looks like

Network Schematic Please provide a pictorial representation of your network looks like

Network Schematic Please provide a pictorial representation of your network looks like

Network Schematic Please provide a pictorial representation of your network looks like

Deployment Timeline: past, current & future Deployment specifics- activities and processes

Impact Analysis Actual impact Impact compared to original goals

Lessons Learned & Next Steps

Optional Information Any other additional information, including: –Multimedia presentation/ webpage/ picture/ press coverage/ interviews etc –Please note, if providing a video, it should be no longer than 1 min