! how curitiba is seen by different groups and how curitiba wants to be seen.


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Transcrição da apresentação:

! how curitiba is seen by different groups and how curitiba wants to be seen

perceived imaginary constructed images

environmental friendly european colonization cold people imaginary high quality of life environmental friendly european colonization cold people

images modern city integrated nature good transportation

images a project of identity

paranista movement emancipation of the state of paraná: 1853 stylization of the araucária tree and native people geometry

paranista movement patterns used in pavements (mostly in the city center)‏ Friso indígena, 1927.

european colonization private and public buildings, monuments and squares named to honor immigrants – mostly europeans

lambrequim . german and polish immigration

praça do japão bosque alemão bosque do papa. polonês memorial da ucrânia fonte de jerusalém memorial italiano memorial árabe praça da espanha

praça do japão bosque alemão bosque do papa. polonês memorial da ucrânia fonte de jerusalém memorial italiano memorial árabe praça da espanha

23% black inhabitants curitiba citizens are neo-europeans unnamed – professor at ufpr 23% black inhabitants

images ecologic capital

lost spaces public parks

interstitial spaces urban legislation 6,000 households in invaded areas

approximately 30% of the recyclable garbage

up to 60% of recyclable garbage

? images construct imaginary reflect reality