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2o Encontro de Parceiros de Educação
Renata Cacace Mara Carvalho
AGENDA HORÁRIO ASSUNTO 09:00 A Microsoft na Educação – Emilio Munaro
09:30 Visão Geral do Mercado de Educação no Brasil – Maurício Berbel – Alabama Consultoria 10:15 Licenciamento Acadêmico – EES e OVS-ES – Saulo Pereira 11:00 Intervalo 11:15 Parceiros na Aprendizagem (PiL) – Adriana Pettengill 11:45 Oportunidades de Infraestrutura de Servidores em Educação – Flavio Jorge de Medeiros 12:15 A Consumerização da TI na Área de Educação – Marcio Bulhões 12:45 Comunicação e Colaboração na Nuvem – Tavane Gurdos 13:00 Almoço 14:30 Mesa Redonda – Licenciamento Acadêmico Mesa Redonda – O Futuro da Produtividade – e Office 365 para Educação Mesa Redonda – Parceiros na Aprendizagem (PiL), Certificação, IT Academy 16:30 Encerramento Timing: 5 Minutes Script: Glow is the name for the Scottish Schools Digital Network; a National Intranet, linking Scotland’s 1.5 million educators, students and parents. Managed by Learning and Teaching Scotland and delivered by Research Machines (RM), Glow is the world's first national intranet for education. Glow will break geographical and social barriers and allow joined-up working the length and breadth of Scotland. Glow will transform the way education is delivered in Scotland. It will work alongside Curriculum for Excellence to build capacity and ensure a first-class education for Scotland. Glow enables innovation in teaching approaches by offering unique learning opportunities. Glow helps motivate young people to work independently and collaboratively. Glow supports individualised learning, allowing for personalisation and choice. Glow provides children and young people with relevance in their learning. What Glow will provide A trusted and safe environment for pupils, teachers and parents. An area to create personalised programmes of work and share curricular resources. A variety of online tools to enhance learning experiences. Virtual learning to share information and take part in a lesson. Tools to enable you to communicate and collaborate across the network. What are the benefits of Glow? Teachers Glow is an investment in the future of Scottish teachers. Glow provides easy access to high quality teaching resources with material built specifically for the Scottish curriculum. You can deliver and mark pupils' assignments online as well as using the assessment and tracking tools to save you time. Using the personalised workspace in Glow provides the opportunity to collect resources in one easy-to-search area. Glow ensures that working and sharing resources with your colleagues is effortless. Learners Children in primary and secondary education will have access to world-class, personalised learning opportunities, using a range of tools, together in one place, to work on at school or at home. Learners can collaborate and share with others in their school, local area and other parts of Scotland. Glow breaks geographical and social barriers, allowing joined-up working the length and breadth of Scotland. Parents and carers Through Glow, parents will be able to access reliable and up-to-date information, along with the chance to see what their child is doing at school and how they performed in class. Parents will be able to collaborate online with other parents and carers, providing a secure communication channel. Parents and carers can rest in the knowledge that the information provided on Glow is targeted and secure - only you will be able to see specific information about your child. However, there are also public areas where parents and carers can view tailored school news. This information may include: timetables, homework, news targeted to parents. School administrators Glow is designed to simplify and speed up almost every task related to running a school. Glow will allow school administration to share important information quickly and easily, helping set the same standards across schools and local authorities. Glow opens up new possibilities for: networking, collaborating, setting up working groups and simply sharing information about CPD. By communicating in this way, Glow will be able to continually improve resources and processes. School managers As well as enjoying the same benefits as teachers, school managers will find in-depth support for national initiatives. For example, Glow will include resources covering the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence. From Gaelic language teaching to additional support needs, school managers will find the management support they need in Glow. Information is easily shared with other school managers on Glow - on site, in your local authority and throughout Scotland. Local authorities Educational benefits will be available once the benefits realisation strategy is complete. Technical benefits for local authorities include: faster and more reliable access to content fast delivery of content from the backbone opportunities for technical innovation greater efficiency of support. Commercial and financial benefits for local authorities include: cost-efficiency through economies of scale adding benefit to your existing investment providing a focus for future investment. RM – Microsoft Partner who did the implementation: National directory and authentication system - Single sign on with secure access for up to 1.5 million users A national virtual learning environment (VLE) - including virtual whiteboards, to enable materials to be created and used for learning, setting and marking of both class work and homework and the ability to source and make use of high quality resources (RM Kaleidos VLE) Social software applications - Facilities include; , net conferencing & virtual whiteboards, interest groups, video streaming, instant messaging, mailing lists, chat; Glow Groups to support collaboration, communication and sharing materials across the network Support services - System consultation, professional development and ongoing support RM – partner case study:
Mercado Educacional Brasileiro
Parceiros Microsoft 15-set-2011
Roteiro da Apresentação
Painel do setor de Educação Básica Oceano Azul para Parceiros Tipos de clientes Áreas da gestão/negócio educacional Perguntas e respostas
Ensino Superior
Ensino Superior
Ensino Superior Cerca de 2,4 mil escolas, 6 milhões de alunos: Média de 2500 alunos/escola
Educação Básica Cerca de 200 mil escolas, 50 milhões de alunos (regular): Média de 250 alunos/escola
Demanda por escolas
Demanda por escolas Fonte: IBGE
Demanda por escolas Fonte: IBGE
Demanda por escolas Fonte: IBGE
Demanda por escolas Fonte: IBGE
Criação de Estratégias
CENÁRIOS ESTRATÉGIAS ESTRATÉGIAS Iniciativas Iniciativas Iniciativas
Iniciativa e Estratégia
Mais que a união... o alinhamento faz a força
Mapa >> BSC >> Implementação
Descrição da Estratégia Mensuração Gestão Estratég. Política de descontos Fin. Receita / aluno Missão $ Cliente Interna Aprendizado Inadimplência Pesquisas satisfação Índices de Fidelidade e satisfação Cliente Ações de fidelização Reuniões de Pais Projeto pedagógico Indicadores da atividade pedagógica Interna Inovação pedagógica Sistema de avaliação Treinamentos Capital Organizacional, Informacional e Humano. Aprend. Invest. em sistemas Eventos de integração
Ciclo de Geração de Valor
Ciclo de Geração de Valor
Análise Financeira Gestão de Custos Governança Corporativa Análise de Fluxo de Matrículas Análise da Decisão de Preços Análise e Políticas de Remuneração Orçamentos Políticas de Concessão de Descontos Políticas de Gestão de Inadimplência Pesquisa alunos novos Pesquisa com transferidos Avaliação de Desempenho de Pessoas Plano de Comunicação Integrada Pesquisa Importância X Desempenho) Análises de Concorrentes Pesquisa de Perfil de Clientes Análises de Projetos de Investimento
Oceanos Azuis Clientes Soluções
Micros, pequenas e cursos livres (arroz e feijão) Sistemas de Ensino: comparabilidade (ENEM, alunos/turma, evolução das receitas etc.) Grandes (sofisticação estratégica) Soluções Desenho e monitoramento de estratégias (BSC, comparação entre Instituições, construção de cenários) Pontos Apresentados no Ciclo de Geração de Valor
Obrigado! Maurício Costa Berbel (11) 4612-5577
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