A RIS3 do Centro de Portugal


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Transcrição da apresentação:

A RIS3 do Centro de Portugal Ana Abrunhosa Presidente da CCDR Centro (presidente@ccdrc.pt) 1

RIS3: o que é? O conceito subjacente à abordagem estratégica da especialização inteligente assenta no princípio de que a concentração de recursos do conhecimento e a sua ligação a um número limitado de actividades económicas/áreas de competência prioritárias permitirá aos países e às regiões serem, e manterem-se, competitivas na economia global; Envolve um processo de definição de uma visão, identificação das vantagens competitivas e das prioridades estratégicas para maximizar o potencial da região baseado no conhecimento, high-tech ou low-tech; To reproduce the SmartArt effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the left pane, click Relationship. In the Relationship pane, click Stacked Venn, and then click OK to insert the graphic into the slide. Select the graphic. On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click Colors, and then under Built-in click Median. (Note: if this action is taken in a PowerPoint presentation containing more than one slide, the theme color will be applied to all of the slides.) Select the graphic, and then click one of the arrows on the left border. In the Type your text here dialog box, enter text. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, do the following: Click Change Colors, and then under Colorful click Colorful – Accent Colors (first option from the left). On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Franklin Gothic Medium Cond from the Font list, and then select 28 from the Font Size list. Click More, and then under 3-D click Polished (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: Also on the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 1.00 seconds. On the slide, select the graphic. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, under Entrance click Fly In. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Zoom. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the Show Additional Effect Options dialog box launcher. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, do the following: On the Effect tab, under Settings, in the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 30%, and then press ENTER. Also in the Size list, click Vertical. Also on the Effect tab, under Settings, select Auto-reverse. On the SmartArt Animation tab, in the Group graphic list, select One by One. In the Animation Pane, click the double arrow under each animation effect to expand the contents of the list of effects. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Also in the Animation Pane, select the first animation effect (first fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the second animation effect (second fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, select the third animation effect (third fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the fourth animation effect (fourth fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, press and hold CTRL, select the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th animation effects (all of the faded zoom effects and grow/shrink effects). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also in the Animation Pane, do the following to reorder the list of effects: Drag the fifth animation effect (first faded zoom effect) until it is second in the list of effects. Drag the sixth animation effect (second faded zoom effect) until it is fourth in the list of effects. Drag the ninth animation effect (first grow/shrink effect) until it is third in the list of effects. Drag the seventh animation effect (third faded zoom effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 10th animation effect (second grow/shrink effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 11th animation effect (third grow/shrink effect) until it is ninth in the list of effects. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the right pane, and then do the following: In the Type list, select Radial. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear in the slider. In the Direction, list click From Corner (first row, second option from the left) Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Select the last stop in the slider, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 35% (fifth row, first option from the left). É parte essencial da reforma da Política de Coesão da União Europeia, constituindo uma condicionalidade ex-ante imposta pela Comissão Europeia para a utilização de FEDER no suporte da investigação e inovação no próximo período de programação.

Centro 2020: uma abordagem integrada Papel relevante das Universidades e demais entidades do SCT: importância da articulação das suas agendas de investigação com a estratégia regional Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Regional (CRER 2020) RIS3: enfoque na IDI/Especialização Inteligente To reproduce the SmartArt effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the left pane, click Relationship. In the Relationship pane, click Stacked Venn, and then click OK to insert the graphic into the slide. Select the graphic. On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click Colors, and then under Built-in click Median. (Note: if this action is taken in a PowerPoint presentation containing more than one slide, the theme color will be applied to all of the slides.) Select the graphic, and then click one of the arrows on the left border. In the Type your text here dialog box, enter text. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, do the following: Click Change Colors, and then under Colorful click Colorful – Accent Colors (first option from the left). On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Franklin Gothic Medium Cond from the Font list, and then select 28 from the Font Size list. Click More, and then under 3-D click Polished (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: Also on the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 1.00 seconds. On the slide, select the graphic. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, under Entrance click Fly In. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Zoom. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the Show Additional Effect Options dialog box launcher. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, do the following: On the Effect tab, under Settings, in the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 30%, and then press ENTER. Also in the Size list, click Vertical. Also on the Effect tab, under Settings, select Auto-reverse. On the SmartArt Animation tab, in the Group graphic list, select One by One. In the Animation Pane, click the double arrow under each animation effect to expand the contents of the list of effects. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Also in the Animation Pane, select the first animation effect (first fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the second animation effect (second fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, select the third animation effect (third fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the fourth animation effect (fourth fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, press and hold CTRL, select the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th animation effects (all of the faded zoom effects and grow/shrink effects). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also in the Animation Pane, do the following to reorder the list of effects: Drag the fifth animation effect (first faded zoom effect) until it is second in the list of effects. Drag the sixth animation effect (second faded zoom effect) until it is fourth in the list of effects. Drag the ninth animation effect (first grow/shrink effect) until it is third in the list of effects. Drag the seventh animation effect (third faded zoom effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 10th animation effect (second grow/shrink effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 11th animation effect (third grow/shrink effect) until it is ninth in the list of effects. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the right pane, and then do the following: In the Type list, select Radial. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear in the slider. In the Direction, list click From Corner (first row, second option from the left) Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Select the last stop in the slider, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 35% (fifth row, first option from the left). Programa Operacional Regional CENTRO 2020: instrumento privilegiado de financiamento

Domínios diferenciadores Prioridades regionais: dos domínios diferenciadores … Domínios diferenciadores temáticos Saúde Biotec nologia Materiais TICE Agro indústria Mar Floresta Turismo To reproduce the SmartArt effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the left pane, click Relationship. In the Relationship pane, click Stacked Venn, and then click OK to insert the graphic into the slide. Select the graphic. On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click Colors, and then under Built-in click Median. (Note: if this action is taken in a PowerPoint presentation containing more than one slide, the theme color will be applied to all of the slides.) Select the graphic, and then click one of the arrows on the left border. In the Type your text here dialog box, enter text. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, do the following: Click Change Colors, and then under Colorful click Colorful – Accent Colors (first option from the left). On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Franklin Gothic Medium Cond from the Font list, and then select 28 from the Font Size list. Click More, and then under 3-D click Polished (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: Also on the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 1.00 seconds. On the slide, select the graphic. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, under Entrance click Fly In. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Zoom. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the Show Additional Effect Options dialog box launcher. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, do the following: On the Effect tab, under Settings, in the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 30%, and then press ENTER. Also in the Size list, click Vertical. Also on the Effect tab, under Settings, select Auto-reverse. On the SmartArt Animation tab, in the Group graphic list, select One by One. In the Animation Pane, click the double arrow under each animation effect to expand the contents of the list of effects. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Also in the Animation Pane, select the first animation effect (first fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the second animation effect (second fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, select the third animation effect (third fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the fourth animation effect (fourth fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, press and hold CTRL, select the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th animation effects (all of the faded zoom effects and grow/shrink effects). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also in the Animation Pane, do the following to reorder the list of effects: Drag the fifth animation effect (first faded zoom effect) until it is second in the list of effects. Drag the sixth animation effect (second faded zoom effect) until it is fourth in the list of effects. Drag the ninth animation effect (first grow/shrink effect) until it is third in the list of effects. Drag the seventh animation effect (third faded zoom effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 10th animation effect (second grow/shrink effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 11th animation effect (third grow/shrink effect) until it is ninth in the list of effects. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the right pane, and then do the following: In the Type list, select Radial. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear in the slider. In the Direction, list click From Corner (first row, second option from the left) Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Select the last stop in the slider, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 35% (fifth row, first option from the left). Prioridades transversais Sustentabilidade dos recursos Eficiência energética Coesão territorial Internacionalização

… às Plataformas de Inovação… 1. Soluções industriais sustentáveis 2. Valorização e uso eficiente dos recursos naturais endógenos 3. Tecnologias ao serviço da qualidade de vida 4. Inovação territorial … áreas focais que mobilizam os domínios diferenciadores em prioridades regionais To reproduce the SmartArt effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the left pane, click Relationship. In the Relationship pane, click Stacked Venn, and then click OK to insert the graphic into the slide. Select the graphic. On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click Colors, and then under Built-in click Median. (Note: if this action is taken in a PowerPoint presentation containing more than one slide, the theme color will be applied to all of the slides.) Select the graphic, and then click one of the arrows on the left border. In the Type your text here dialog box, enter text. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, do the following: Click Change Colors, and then under Colorful click Colorful – Accent Colors (first option from the left). On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Franklin Gothic Medium Cond from the Font list, and then select 28 from the Font Size list. Click More, and then under 3-D click Polished (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: Also on the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 1.00 seconds. On the slide, select the graphic. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, under Entrance click Fly In. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Zoom. Also on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the Show Additional Effect Options dialog box launcher. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, do the following: On the Effect tab, under Settings, in the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 30%, and then press ENTER. Also in the Size list, click Vertical. Also on the Effect tab, under Settings, select Auto-reverse. On the SmartArt Animation tab, in the Group graphic list, select One by One. In the Animation Pane, click the double arrow under each animation effect to expand the contents of the list of effects. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Also in the Animation Pane, select the first animation effect (first fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the second animation effect (second fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, select the third animation effect (third fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Left. In the Animation Pane, select the fourth animation effect (fourth fly-in effect). On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then under Direction click From Bottom-Right. In the Animation Pane, press and hold CTRL, select the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, and 12th animation effects (all of the faded zoom effects and grow/shrink effects). On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. Also in the Animation Pane, do the following to reorder the list of effects: Drag the fifth animation effect (first faded zoom effect) until it is second in the list of effects. Drag the sixth animation effect (second faded zoom effect) until it is fourth in the list of effects. Drag the ninth animation effect (first grow/shrink effect) until it is third in the list of effects. Drag the seventh animation effect (third faded zoom effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 10th animation effect (second grow/shrink effect) until it is sixth in the list of effects. Drag the 11th animation effect (third grow/shrink effect) until it is ninth in the list of effects. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the right pane, and then do the following: In the Type list, select Radial. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear in the slider. In the Direction, list click From Corner (first row, second option from the left) Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Select the last stop in the slider, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 35% (fifth row, first option from the left).

Áreas já identificadas em cada Plataforma 1. Soluções industriais sustentáveis 1.1 Otimização sustentada da produtividade industrial Áreas já identificadas em cada Plataforma 1.2 Desenvolvimento e utilização de materiais 2. Valorização e uso eficiente de recursos endógenos naturais 2.1 Fontes energéticas alternativas 2.2 Desenvolvimento das cadeias de valor associadas aos recursos endógenos naturais 3. Tecnologias ao serviço da qualidade de vida 3.1 Futuro digital 3.2 Inovação centrada na saúde 3.3 Envelhecimento ativo e saudável 4. Inovação territorial 4.1 Inovação rural 4.2 Cidades sustentáveis, criativas e inteligentes 4.3 Investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação no turismo

RIS3: articulação regional /nacional

Nível nacional Nível regional RIS3: modelo de governação multinível Representantes dos atores regionais relevantes e das agências nacionais responsáveis pela política de IDI Representantes das agências nacionais responsáveis pela política de IDI e CCDR (RAM/RAA) Comissão Executiva (Presidida pela CCDRC) Conselho de Coordenação (Presidido pela ANI) Equipa de gestão Equipa de gestão Grupos de Trabalho/Plataformas de Inovação Processo de descoberta empreendedora sobretudo a nível regional

Instrumentos Financeiros 2014-2020 Programa Operacional Regional Dotação financeira reforçada: 2.155 M€ (1.700 M€ em 2007-2013) Inclusão tanto de FEDER como de FSE: 1.751 M€ FEDER + 404 M€ FSE Em negociações finais junto da Comissão Europeia … Programas Nacionais Temáticos: disponíveis para todos os agentes do Centro Horizon 2020: quase 80 mil milhões euros de fundos disponíveis para 7 anos RIS3 do Centro muito articulada com as áreas focais do H2020 nomeadamente desafios societais e KET (Key Enabling Technologies) Outras oportunidades de Financiamento: …………………………………..

A articulação da RIS3 com o POR: três níveis Num nível I estão (i) apoios a projetos de IDT (Eixo 1: Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação) (ii) programas de doutoramento e pós-doutoramento e cursos Técnicos Superiores Profissionais (no Eixo 3: Desenvolver o Potencial Humano) que serão exclusivamente direcionados para iniciativas que se enquadrem dentro do leque de opções RIS3 do Centro. Num nível II estão os projetos que terão como critério de avaliação o seu alinhamento com a RIS3 do Centro (Eixo 2: Competitividade e Internacionalização da Economia Regional) Num nível III é possível identificar projetos que, não tendo critério de elegibilidade ou de diferenciação RIS3, contribuem de forma direta para a operacionalização da Estratégia de Especialização Inteligente da região.

RIS3: um processo contínuo Próximas etapas Dinamizar os Grupos de Trabalho por Plataformas de Inovação previstos no modelo de governação Definir um Plano de Ação por Plataforma de Inovação Conceber um modelo inovador de monitorização da RIS3 Garantir a articulação com a dimensão nacional da Estratégia Papel da CCDRC Coordenar o processo, envolvendo os atores regionais relevantes Atuar como “agência regional de inovação”, constituindo-se como ‘braço armado’ da ANI na região Exemplos recentes:

Para mais informação… centro2020@ccdrc.pt Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro Rua Bernardim Ribeiro, 80 3000-069 COIMBRA centro2020@ccdrc.pt