Infra- Estrutura de Acesso


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Infra- Estrutura de Acesso Jorge Ribkin Alexandre Bonassa Thiago Ferreira

Liberty Paulista: Investe em Tecnologia e Reduz Custos Resolução de problemas de estações remotas em 2 horas. Economia de quase R$ 650 mil por ano em infra-estrutura e suporte, dos quais R$ 20 mil mensais só em manutenção do parque de computadores. Investimentos recuperados em 9 meses. “ Poderíamos aproveitar os microcomputadores obsoletos como estações, melhoraríamos o tráfego da rede, sem a necessidade de aumento de banda e ainda iríamos padronizar os softwares das estações remotas em tempo mínimo, sem precisar de reinstalação de máquina por máquina em todo nosso parque. As vantagens eram muitas.” Every enterprise is different, with unique challenges and pain points at any given time. By implementing Citrix access infrastructure, businesses achieve different benefits depending on the current problem that Citrix is helping them solve. As we’ve already seen, reducing costs is a consistent benefit of Citrix access infrastructure across all of our customers. But sometimes this is not the main reason customers choose Citrix – some times they have a far more pressing need, as did Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers, the global investment bank, initially chose Citrix as a remote access solution. The bank was running a pilot of Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server for 25 remote users shortly before September 11, 2001. On that date, 6,000 of the bank’s World Trade Center-based employees were abruptly displaced to 20 locations in New York and New Jersey. In two days, Lehman’s IT staff had expanded access to 1,200 users. In six weeks, they had expanded to 4,500 users who could securely access 81 business applications using a Web browser. As a result, the bank resumed Fixed Income trading two days after September 11, and resumed Equity trading when U.S. markets re-opened. “MetaFrame grew from a remote access solution for a few employees to a key component of Lehman’s enterprise infrastructure,” said Hari Gopalkrishnan, vice president of e-commerce technology for Lehman Brothers. “By proving its scalability, performance and flexibility under extraordinary circumstances, MetaFrame became an integral part of our IT strategy going forward.” Saulo Meneghini de Britto, superintendente de Tecnologia

Alocação de Orçamento Run Grow Reduzir os custos para manter os serviços Grow Run Aumentar o investimento para o crescimento dos serviços

ACCESS STRATEGY Desafios de TI Mover as demandas de acesso de um enfoque tático para um enfoque estratégico aumenta a Eficiência Operacional e Agilidade na Prestação dos Servíços Eficiência Orçamento de Investimento & Despesas Operacionais Consolidação de TI Normas e Padrões ACCESS STRATEGY Partner Commerce Continuidade MANTER os serviços disponíveis Teleworking Expansões Key Points: Now let’s tie the IT initiatives into the run/grow paradigm to see how companies are rebalancing their portfolio of IT investments from run to grow (note these IT projects are not randomly placed, see below). On the vertical axis, “running the business” is about improving operational efficiency to optimize the management of capital and operating expenses. On the horizontal axis, “growing the business” is about improving agility to mobilize employees and partners to drive greater revenue and profitability. As a business strategy, IT centralization has a high technical component … and is primarily about reducing the complexity and cost of IT in terms of running the business, so it’s closer to that axis. Business continuity and regulatory compliance are highly technical as well … essential for keeping the business running but not really growth drivers. Toward the horizontal axis we see the strategies are more about driving new business, reaching new customers, entering new markets, expanding offerings, etc. All of these strategies are important for achieving the optimal balance between the outflowing capital of running … and the inflowing capital from growing … the business. An effective access strategy should take all of them into account, yet shift more budget dollars toward the right. More information on these discussion points and the challenges in realizing them is included below. Reliable IT Services – A single minute can be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. This is especially true of highly transactional businesses. In the wake of infrastructure disruptions in recent years resulting from criminal activity, weather, and public service outages, organizations are seeking solutions that enable resilience and continuity, and, in case of a failure, rapid and reliable recovery. Service Level Agreements – Information is the lifeblood of the business and CIOs are under intense pressure to keep the information flowing to more people at more places using more networks and more devices – even as the IT infrastructure continues to increase in complexity at an exponential rate. The challenge is in meeting these requirements through a distributed computing model, monitoring IT services end-to-end, and measuring performance in order to ensure that the businesses information access needs are being met. Business Mobility – Mobilizing the business has become a competitive requirement. Key customers expect face-to-face relationship management and on-site support. This has driven the need for wireless networks, secure remote access, and other mobile access technologies. It has also increased security risk. CIOs are seeking solutions that enable reliable and secure business access to customer information in support of the CEO’s objective for improved customer service. Outsourcing – Outsourcing is expected to grow by 300% during the next four years as companies seek to increase efficiency. Information security and regulatory compliance play a big role in whether an outsourcing strategy can work for a business. The challenge is to accomplish this without compromising customer satisfaction and privacy, transactional throughput, business visibility, or information security. Organizations want to leverage outsourcing but providing non-employees with access to corporate information is a tremendous roadblock. Remote Office Expansion – Customers are expanding their offices in an effort to expand their addressable market and increase revenue. The investment in infrastructure and man-power required to enable IT services for remote office and branch workers can take more than a year to recover. If permanent local support resources are required, on-going support costs could easily double that time. Organizations are looking for ways to decrease their initial investments in business growth through remote office expansion. This would give them faster return on investment and better risk management when making decisions about office expansions that are not succeeding. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) – Organizations face considerable costs when integrating new employees and information systems resulting from acquisitions. Their objective is to acquire businesses that can help them grow. Their challenge is to find solutions that help integrate new acquisitions quickly at lower cost in order to decrease their time to value. In addition, there are other organizations that, because of aggressive growth in the past, now face unmanageable complexity in their IT infrastructure. The challenge here is to simplify the infrastructure and decrease the cost of delivering IT services because a large portion of the initial M&A investment is tied up as on-going IT expenses. Partner Information Access – Organizations that have integrated supply chains or partner distribution networks invest millions to ensure growing returns from each partner-member. High retention rates are a key competitive advantage. These organizations need to provide value-added services to their partners in order to decrease attrition, increase expansion, and remain the competitive choice for their business. For them, information is a key commodity, delivering it to partners in real-time is the objective, and maintaining high reliability, ease-of-use, and protected access is the biggest challenge. Furthermore, having the ability to easily integrate new partners into the network increases retention and rate of return and decreases time-to-value of new broker dealers. Mobilidade Fusões & Aquisições ACESSO TÁTICO Agilidade Prestação de Serviços AUMENTAR os Serviços (Qualidade e Quantidade)

Visão do Meio de Acesso Usuários Executivos TI Foco em tarefas Acesso  Invisível Foco em negócios Acesso  Transparente Foco em serviços Acesso  Visível Citrix Access Infrastructure Mobiliza pessoas, informações e negócios Transforma os investimentos em agilidade para os negócios Otimiza e moderniza os serviços de TI

Citrix Access Infrastructure SmartAccess Detecta e responde a qualquer cenário de acesso Secure by Design Segurança como premissa básica da solução SmoothRoaming Acesso contínuo através de qualquer dispositivo, localidade e rede Integrated Identity & Provisioning Gerencia o acesso às aplicações Instant Colaboração Compartilhamento de área de trabalho, aplicações e dispositivos On-Demand Assistance Redução de downtime e aumento de produtividade no suporte remoto e treinamento Robust & Resilient Foundation Escalabilidade e disponibilidade para qualquer cenário de negócio End-to-End Visibility Monitora e mede a utilização dos recursos da infra- estrutura de acesso

Computador de Parceiros SmartAccess PDA Computador de Casa Computador de Parceiros Laptop Corporativo Usuários Locais  OK Presentation Server Access Gateway Access Gateway Enterprise Servidores de email Firewall Firewall Web ou App Servers Internet Acesso a Informação: Full download Download apenas para memória Acesso via Presentation Server Preview em HTML Editar e Salvar Alterações Salvar localmente Salvar apenas na rede Desabilitar salvamento Impressão Apenas localmente Apenas nas impressoras selecionadas Desabilita impressão Aplicações no Presentation Server File Servers IP Phones

Computador de Parceiro SmartAccess Mobile PDA Computador de Casa Computador de Parceiro Local Users  OK Presentation Server Applications Laptop Corporativo Access Gateway Access Gateway Enterprise Servidores de email Firewall Firewall Web or App Servers Internet Acesso a Informação: Full download Download apenas para memória Acesso via Presentation Server Preview em HTML Editar e Salvar Alterações Salvar localmente Salvar apenas na rede Desabilitar salvamento Impressão Apenas localmente Apenas nas impressoras selecionadas Desabilita impressão Aplicações no Presentation Server File Servers IP Phones

Computador de Parceiro SmartAccess Mobile PDA Computador de Parceiro Local Users Laptop Corporativo Presentation Server Applications Access Gateway Access Gateway Enterprise Servidores de email Firewall Firewall Web or App Servers  OK Internet Acesso a Informação: Full download Download apenas para memória Acesso via Presentation Server Preview em HTML Editar e Salvar Alterações Salvar localmente Salvar apenas na rede Desabilitar salvamento Impressão Apenas localmente Apenas nas impressoras selecionadas Desabilita impressão Aplicações no Presentation Server Computador de Casa File Servers IP Phones

Citrix Access Suite This is specific to your product Back to Agenda

Apenas a Citrix Oferece uma Solução Completa de Acesso Piece Part Approach Citrix Access Infrastructure Gerenciamento de Direitos Assistência aos Usuários Assistência Sob Demanda Colaboração Single Sign On Disponibilização de Aplicações Single Sign On SSL VPN Disponibilização de Aplicações Gerenciamento de Direitos SSL VPN If you try to build a complete Access Infrastructure without Citrix you end up with a collection of different pieces from different vendors – pieces that do not fit well together. On the other hand, Citrix offers a complete Access Infrastructure, where the pieces all fit together consistently. Even if you want to start building an Access Infrastructure with a single piece like an SSL VPN, you need to know that you can go back and need the other components when necessary. Only Citrix offers this solution. An SSL VPN is a tactical piece part of an overall Access Solution – a proof point here is that other SSL VPNs are integrating with Citrix Presentation Server – acceptance that they see more is needed for a complete solution, and that Presentation Server is key. End Point Security End Point Security Colaboração Outros Problemas com Segurança e Gerenciamento Integrado, Completo, Seguro

Componentes de uma Solução de Infra- estrutura de Acesso Citrix Presentation Server Centralização de aplicações Padroniza a disponibilização de aplicações Windows, Unix e Web Aplicações publicadas e acessadas como serviços Citrix Access Gateway Enterprise Acesso granular Adaptive user access Universal access interface Citrix Password Manager Single Sign-on Políticas de senha Baixo custo de implementação Citrix GoToMeeting Colaboração instantânea Citrix GoToAssist Assistência sob On-Demand Use this slide only when necessary. If not used properly it could lead customers to compare each product to competitors and consider alternative solutions with piece parts. Citrix Access Suite 4.0 unites three products into an integrated access infrastructure solution that, for a single investment, provides two key benefits: improved operational efficiency to reduce the cost of running the business, and accelerated agility to drive growth. Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 Enterprise is the easiest way to provide and manage secure access to corporate information resources on demand – from anywhere, using any device, over any network. The next generation of the world’s most widely deployed presentation server, Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 Enterprise provides unprecedented scalability by enabling higher user density through enhanced CPU utilization management and virtual memory optimization; breakthrough compatibility through isolated application environments, support for virtual IP addresses, and USB peripheral support of ActiveSync PDAs, scanners, and cameras; state-of-the-art printing through a 50% increase in speed by utilizing less bandwidth and memory, support for advanced printer functionality such as multiple paper trays and stapling, new Proximity Printing™, the ability to print to the nearest printer when roaming; and greater flexibility by unifying the Windows and UNIX versions and Conferencing Manager into a single product. Citrix Access Gateway 4.0 Enterprise is the simplest, most cost-effective way to balance productivity and security by controlling who accesses company information and what they are permitted to do with it. Citrix Access Gateway 4.0 Enterprise delivers a plug-and-play, appliance-based SSL VPN gateway for increased security and ease-of-use. Superior to IPSec VPNs, it provides a single point of access through all firewalls, prevents worm traversal between networks, increases security by masking distributed URLs, accelerates deployment with an auto-updating client, and delivers a consistent experience with “always-on” connectivity and automatic application re-factoring for any user interface. Superior to SSL VPNs, the product works for all applications and protocols without anything else to purchase or configure, gives users a familiar desktop look-and-feel without a browser-based portal, allows administrators to disable split-tunneling, and integrates URL rewriting, webification, port forwarding, network extension, and access for VoIP applications. Secure by design, the Access Gateway Enterprise ensures endpoint security through continuous real-time checks for antivirus, personal firewalls, proper patches, network connection paths, device types, and so on. Citrix Password Manager 4.0 is the most efficient way to access all applications with a single password. Citrix Password Manager 4.0 is a single sign-on solution that delivers simplified user access through “hot desktop” user switching, self-service password reset, and an entirely new, intuitive user interface available in five languages; improves security and regulatory compliance through digitally signed configuration settings, enhanced event logging, and LDAP directory credential storage; and enhances administrative control through new Suite-integrated licensing and a streamlined management console also available in five languages.

Citrix Systems Líder Global em Infraestrutura de Acesso Mais de 120.000 clientes e 50 milhões de usuários no mundo todo 100% das empresas da lista Fortune 100 99% da Fortune 500 97% da Fortune Global 100 92% da Fortune Global 500 We are the only software company that’s totally focused on providing secure, easy and instant access … economically … in spite of the heterogeneity and complexity of the IT environment. This has been our focus and our core competency since our inception 14 years ago. We are the market leader in access infrastructure, with 77% market share, more than 7,000 channel partners, and more than 120,000 customers. We are financially solid. We are growing. And we maintain best-in- class profitability. Resultados Citrix - Maiores que a média do setor 92% Nível de Fidelidade Mundial 85% Planejam aumentar ou manter níveis de compras 61% Escolhem Citrix como padrão corporativo