Paula Peres e Anabela Mesquita


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Paula Peres e Anabela Mesquita O projecto GainTime Paula Peres e Anabela Mesquita,

Agenda Contexto Projecto GainTime Produtos do projecto

Contexto Alguns objectivos para a Europa: Motivar os docents a desenvolverem as suas competências pedagógicas; A qualidade do ensino – aprendizagem na escolas; O desenvolvimento e a disponibilidade de Open Educational Resources (OER). 70% dos professors na Europa reconhecem a importância da aprendizagem ao longo da vida. According to the document of the Thematic Working Group ‘Teacher Professional Development’ “Supporting Teacher Educators for better learning outcomes” (2013) one of the most important goals for the UE is to encourage teachers to continue developing and extending their pedagogical competences throughout their careers because they can have a significant impact upon the quality of teaching and learning in school. The document 'Opening Up Education' underlines another fundamental objective for Europe, that it to foster teachers’ competences and methods for digital teaching, in order to support the development and the availability of Open Educational Resources (OER). In fact, OERs enable to connect the classes through digital contents, but also to enhance their pedagogical competences with the purpose of modifying the role of the digital technologies in educational institutes (SWD(2013) 341 final). The 70% of the teachers in UE acknowledge the importance of lifelong learning and of a specific training on the teaching and learning methods through digital instruments. Yet, only the 20-25% of the students have teacher motivated and competent at digital level and most teachers use ICT mainly for preparing the didactic activities, instead of using it for working with students during the lessons (COM(2013) 499 final). The EU lacks in a critical mass of didactic contents, digital methodologies and best practices in specific sectors. The risk for Europe is to lag behind other regions in the world, such as the USA and some Asian Countries, where there are meaningful investments in strategies based on ICT so as to re-define education and training (COM(2012) 669 final). (“Supporting Teacher Educators for better learning outcomes” (2013)) 'Opening Up Education' (COM(2013) 499 final).

Projecto GainTime Desenvolver competências profissionais e pedagógicas entre os professors, nomeadamente em termos de ICT; OER Desenvolver ferramentas; aulas criativas Tirar partido do potencial dos contextos online Das actividades na sala de aula e em laboratórios (flipped Classroom) The project GAIN TIME responds to this urgency for Europe: to develop professional and pedagogic competences among teachers and trainers enhancing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and access to open educational resources (OER) in the education and training fields with the aim of combining higher levels of excellence and attractiveness with increased opportunities for all. GAIN TIME project wants to help teachers to revise and strengthen their professional profile and improve the attainment of young people, particularly those at risk of early school leaving and with low basic skills, developing a methodology focusing especially on the use of ICT. In line with the Communication from the Commission (SWD(2012) 371 final) " Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes" , GAIN TIME project aims to develop, test and implement an innovative approach for teachers that promote the development, testing and implementation of innovative practices in the field of education. GAIN TIME project aims to develop tools for the professional development of teachers using ICT tools, very effective for the management of creative classes. GAIN TIME project develops tools to enable teachers to evaluate, transfer and validate GAIN TIME project training at local, regional, national and European level thanks to a multilevel partnership. The project wants to create a new form of learning and providing education and training with open educational resources, focusing on better exploitation of the ICT potential, in order to help the teachers to modify their teaching methodologies, as the web can offer contents in a more complete, holistic, updated, simple and economic way. GAIN TIME project can take advantage of the potential of: online contents (that can be studied at home or at work); class activities and laboratories, that can be customised and socialised.  

Projecto GainTime Início em 2014 e conclusão em 2016. O alvo do projecto é o ensino secundário Ps parceiros são:

O que se vai fazer Investigação com vista a identificar: Como e onde: Boas práticas em sala de aula Aulas criativas Jogos educativos TIC utilizadas pelos professores Como e onde: Pesquisa em bases de dados de artigos científicos que refiram a criação e tulização de jogos e implementação de aulas criativas Questionários (online) In order to attain the objectives proposed, the consortium entailed a research to identify good practices of Creative Classroom (CCRs) fully embedding the potential of ICT to innovate learning and teaching practices. Additionally the study will deepen the issue related with educational games as didactics instruments since these enable an innovative approach by providing more attractive education programs, in line with students’ needs and expectations.

Questionário Identificação, habilitações literárias, área científica, número médio de alunos por aula e suas idades Utilização de TIC, ambiente da sala de aula, uso de LMS e desenvolvimento de jogos educativos Significado de sala de aula invertida e se já alguma vez tinha utilizado esta abordagem Administrados a professores do ensino secundário em cada país parceiro (6 países)

Produtos do projecto Compêndio com a identificação das boas práticas identificadas em cada país parceiro (inclui os jogos e as aulas criativas) Handbook com o objectivo de fornecer informação sobre as novas práticas pedagógicas, aulas invertidas, jogos educativos, etc. Será uma obra didáctica, escrita em linguagem acessível e procurando ajudar os professores que se queiram aventurar nas novas pedagogias Curso sobre como inverter uma aula

Handbook Contents Cap 1 – Creative classes Cap 2 – Teachers innovators Cap 3 – Flipped methodology Cap 4 – Design flipped classroom Cap 5 – Develop didactic contente Cap 6 – Vídeos in flipped classroom Cap 7 – Educational games Cap 8 – Digital channels

Curso Estrutura Module 0 - Introduction to the course Module 1 - The flipped methodology Module 2 - Design and development of learning contents for flipped lessons Module 3 - Educational games Module 4 - Assessment of knowledge Cada Módulo tem várias unidades

Paula Peres e Anabela Mesquita O Projecto GainTime Paula Peres e Anabela Mesquita, "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."