The International Association for the Exchange


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The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience IAESTE PORTUGAL

Resumo Missão Organização Internacional Secretariado Nacional O que fazer antes, durante e de pois do estágio

MISSÃO Promover estágios práticos de alta qualidade entre os Membros, com o objetivo de aumentar as competências técnicas e profissionais e promover a cooperação internacional entre estudantes, instituições de ensino e empresas. IAESTE opera numa perspetiva multicultural sem distinção de raça, cor, sexo ou religião.

UMA ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL Um programa mundial: 85 países participantes A participação no intercâmbio IAESTE está aberta aos estudantes das IES participantes no programa. Estão incluídas todas as áreas de estudo que requeiram competência práticas, se bem que haja incidência particular nas áreas tecnológicas

PARTICIPANTES NACIONAIS Existe um Secretariado Nacional e Comités locais. O Secretariado Nacional está localizado no Instituto Superior Técnico – Gabinete de Mobilidade e Cooperação internacional. Os comités nacionais estão localizados nas seguintes instituições: Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) Instituto Superior Técnico Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (antigo ISCTE) Universidade de Aveiro Universidade da Beira Interior Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

ACEITEI O ESTÁGIO. O QUE DEVO FAZER? Pagar 125€ nas 48 horas seguintes. Esta verba será devolvida na totalidade se o estágio for cancelado ou o estudante não seja aceite pela entidade de estágio. Se o estudante desistir depois de pagar a verba não será reembolsado. No final do estágio o estuante receberá 75€ da caução inicial, já que apenas 50€ representam as despesas administrativas. Preparar a candidatura.

CANDIDATURA: Documentos necessários Nomination Form Carta de Motivação Curriculum Vitae (modelo EUROPASS) Histórico Académico (a fornecer pelos Serviços) Cópia do cartão do Cidadão ou Passaporte (fora da UE) Declaração certificando que está inscrito no IPL (a fornecer pelos Serviços) Grading system (a fornecer pelos Serviços) Certificado de Inglês (exceto Brasil) Carta de recomendação de um docente Portfolio (estudantes de Arquitetura, Design)) Todos os documentos devem ser emitidos em inglês, exceto nas candidaturas para o Brasil.

Fui aceite pela entidade de estágio. O que tenho que fazer? Tem que iniciar os procedimentos necessários para obter o visto se for para um país fora da UE. Receberá da instituição todos os documentos necessários para o efeito que deverá entregar no consulado após agendamento prévio. MUITO IMPORTANTE: não marque a viagem sem ter a garantia da autorização do visto Comece a planear a sua viagem. 3. Faça a seguro de saúde. Na UE o Cartão Europeu de Saúde é suficiente. Em caso de doença crónica deverá fazer um seguro de saúde mesmo dentro da UE. Founded by the Minister of Development in 1911, on the basis of the model of the Leading Schools of Engineering in Europe, the IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) became one of the largest and most prestigious Schools in Portugal of Engineering, Science and Technology. Constantly concerned with providing university high-level education, Alfredo Bensaúde, the first Director, endeavoured to make this both strict and practical, establishing a proper balance between the technical and professional aspect and the scientific and cultural component, with the result that he left an unquestionable mark on the life and future of the Institute. The curriculum consisted of a three-year general course providing a thorough grounding in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, followed by three years of specialisation in Mining, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial_Chemical Engineering. This sound education in basic sciences, complemented by specialised training, which is continually updated to keep abreast of technological progress, has always been IST’s educational model and the key to its success in training generations of high-quality engineers. Since its foundation, IST has contributed to the academic, personal and civic training of different personalities who played or still play a prominent role in several fields, among which governmental activities should be pointed out: it is worth mentioning the former Prime Minister who presided over the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, António Guterres (currently the President of the Socialist International), and his Minister for Science and Technology Mariano Gago, Maria de Lurdes Pintassilgo (the first and only Portuguese woman who was head of a government in Portugal) and Maria da Graça Carvalho (the present Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education); The prestige rapidly achieved by the School was not unrelated to the large degree of administrative and pedagogic autonomy that IST had enjoyed since the very beginning. In 1930, the Technical University of Lisbon came into being, and IST, which had been in regular operation for twenty years, became one of its schools, keeping though its autonomy.

4. Receberá as seguintes cartas de aceitação: N/5-a – Para levar consigo quando partir. Tem todas as informações referentes ao estágio N/5-b – para preencher e entregar no GMCI do IPL . Vai necessitar de informação sobre o voo e do número da apólice de seguro (quando necessário). Depois de completar a informação deve enviá-la asap para o GMCI (de acordo com as regras da IAESTE os estagiários têm cerca de 15 dias para devolver o N/5-b preenchido se o estágio for num país europeu) 5. Finalmente terá de preencher o Termo de Responsabilidade, que deve ser assinado pelo estudante e pelo seu representante legal. Por favor anexe um documento de identificação do representante. Founded by the Minister of Development in 1911, on the basis of the model of the Leading Schools of Engineering in Europe, the IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) became one of the largest and most prestigious Schools in Portugal of Engineering, Science and Technology. Constantly concerned with providing university high-level education, Alfredo Bensaúde, the first Director, endeavoured to make this both strict and practical, establishing a proper balance between the technical and professional aspect and the scientific and cultural component, with the result that he left an unquestionable mark on the life and future of the Institute. The curriculum consisted of a three-year general course providing a thorough grounding in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, followed by three years of specialisation in Mining, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial_Chemical Engineering. This sound education in basic sciences, complemented by specialised training, which is continually updated to keep abreast of technological progress, has always been IST’s educational model and the key to its success in training generations of high-quality engineers. Since its foundation, IST has contributed to the academic, personal and civic training of different personalities who played or still play a prominent role in several fields, among which governmental activities should be pointed out: it is worth mentioning the former Prime Minister who presided over the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, António Guterres (currently the President of the Socialist International), and his Minister for Science and Technology Mariano Gago, Maria de Lurdes Pintassilgo (the first and only Portuguese woman who was head of a government in Portugal) and Maria da Graça Carvalho (the present Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education); The prestige rapidly achieved by the School was not unrelated to the large degree of administrative and pedagogic autonomy that IST had enjoyed since the very beginning. In 1930, the Technical University of Lisbon came into being, and IST, which had been in regular operation for twenty years, became one of its schools, keeping though its autonomy.

MUITO IMPORTANTE Os estagiários não poderão contatar a entidade recetora antes da aceitação formal. Depois de receberem os documentos de aceitação com a informação do supervisor de estágio, poderão colocar todas as questões que julguem necessárias. Founded by the Minister of Development in 1911, on the basis of the model of the Leading Schools of Engineering in Europe, the IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) became one of the largest and most prestigious Schools in Portugal of Engineering, Science and Technology. Constantly concerned with providing university high-level education, Alfredo Bensaúde, the first Director, endeavoured to make this both strict and practical, establishing a proper balance between the technical and professional aspect and the scientific and cultural component, with the result that he left an unquestionable mark on the life and future of the Institute. The curriculum consisted of a three-year general course providing a thorough grounding in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, followed by three years of specialisation in Mining, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial_Chemical Engineering. This sound education in basic sciences, complemented by specialised training, which is continually updated to keep abreast of technological progress, has always been IST’s educational model and the key to its success in training generations of high-quality engineers. Since its foundation, IST has contributed to the academic, personal and civic training of different personalities who played or still play a prominent role in several fields, among which governmental activities should be pointed out: it is worth mentioning the former Prime Minister who presided over the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, António Guterres (currently the President of the Socialist International), and his Minister for Science and Technology Mariano Gago, Maria de Lurdes Pintassilgo (the first and only Portuguese woman who was head of a government in Portugal) and Maria da Graça Carvalho (the present Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education); The prestige rapidly achieved by the School was not unrelated to the large degree of administrative and pedagogic autonomy that IST had enjoyed since the very beginning. In 1930, the Technical University of Lisbon came into being, and IST, which had been in regular operation for twenty years, became one of its schools, keeping though its autonomy.

IMPORTANTE A Suiça e o Reino Unido têm restrições para estudante fora da UE. Assim, os estudantes nomeados pelos comités locais em Portugal, só podem ser de naturalidade portuguesa no caso destes dois países. Founded by the Minister of Development in 1911, on the basis of the model of the Leading Schools of Engineering in Europe, the IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) became one of the largest and most prestigious Schools in Portugal of Engineering, Science and Technology. Constantly concerned with providing university high-level education, Alfredo Bensaúde, the first Director, endeavoured to make this both strict and practical, establishing a proper balance between the technical and professional aspect and the scientific and cultural component, with the result that he left an unquestionable mark on the life and future of the Institute. The curriculum consisted of a three-year general course providing a thorough grounding in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, followed by three years of specialisation in Mining, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial_Chemical Engineering. This sound education in basic sciences, complemented by specialised training, which is continually updated to keep abreast of technological progress, has always been IST’s educational model and the key to its success in training generations of high-quality engineers. Since its foundation, IST has contributed to the academic, personal and civic training of different personalities who played or still play a prominent role in several fields, among which governmental activities should be pointed out: it is worth mentioning the former Prime Minister who presided over the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, António Guterres (currently the President of the Socialist International), and his Minister for Science and Technology Mariano Gago, Maria de Lurdes Pintassilgo (the first and only Portuguese woman who was head of a government in Portugal) and Maria da Graça Carvalho (the present Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education); The prestige rapidly achieved by the School was not unrelated to the large degree of administrative and pedagogic autonomy that IST had enjoyed since the very beginning. In 1930, the Technical University of Lisbon came into being, and IST, which had been in regular operation for twenty years, became one of its schools, keeping though its autonomy.

Os estagiário são aconselhados a: Levar dinheiro suficiente para as seguintes despesas no 1º mês: alojamento alimentação Transportes públicos N/5-a – este documento contém informação relevante

CHEGADA – ESTÁ ALGUÉM Á MINHA ESPERA NO AEROPORTO Deve tentar chegar dentro do horário de trabalho para ter a certeza de que estará alguém no aeroporto para o receber. A pessoa que estiver à sua espera terá um cartaz identificando-se como sendo da IAESTE Alguns países europeus não oferecem um serviço de receção. Terá de levar consigo toda a informação necessária para chegar ao seu destino Founded by the Minister of Development in 1911, on the basis of the model of the Leading Schools of Engineering in Europe, the IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) became one of the largest and most prestigious Schools in Portugal of Engineering, Science and Technology. Constantly concerned with providing university high-level education, Alfredo Bensaúde, the first Director, endeavoured to make this both strict and practical, establishing a proper balance between the technical and professional aspect and the scientific and cultural component, with the result that he left an unquestionable mark on the life and future of the Institute. The curriculum consisted of a three-year general course providing a thorough grounding in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, followed by three years of specialisation in Mining, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial_Chemical Engineering. This sound education in basic sciences, complemented by specialised training, which is continually updated to keep abreast of technological progress, has always been IST’s educational model and the key to its success in training generations of high-quality engineers. Since its foundation, IST has contributed to the academic, personal and civic training of different personalities who played or still play a prominent role in several fields, among which governmental activities should be pointed out: it is worth mentioning the former Prime Minister who presided over the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, António Guterres (currently the President of the Socialist International), and his Minister for Science and Technology Mariano Gago, Maria de Lurdes Pintassilgo (the first and only Portuguese woman who was head of a government in Portugal) and Maria da Graça Carvalho (the present Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education); The prestige rapidly achieved by the School was not unrelated to the large degree of administrative and pedagogic autonomy that IST had enjoyed since the very beginning. In 1930, the Technical University of Lisbon came into being, and IST, which had been in regular operation for twenty years, became one of its schools, keeping though its autonomy.

Após o meu regresso. O que tenho de fazer? Preenhcer o Trainee’s Report e enviá-lo para o GMCI do IPL. Apenas depois disso receberá o cheque com o montante dos 75 euros da caução IMPORTANTE–No Trainee’s Report no item 18 deve escrever 50€ e não125€. IST aims to contribute to the development of society by providing quality higher education in the areas of Engineering, Science and Technology, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as life-long learning, through Research and Development, in accordance with the highest international standards. Its mission is therefore expressed in the three functions which characterise the concept of a modern university: Education, Research and Development, and Links with Society, so as to: create knowledge; train skilled professionals; transfer and apply knowledge. Education Within the scope of knowledge creation, the aim of IST is to provide a thorough basic training in engineering, science and technology, allied with continuous and systematised learning, enabling its graduates to take account of social and human aspects, rendering them agents for change and innovation in society. The intention is to provide training in keeping with the high expectations of the students that IST attracts, and to respond to the needs of society in general, and of the production system in particular. Research and Development Research and development (R&D) characterises a university and ensures the quality of its teaching, leading to the generation of knowledge and enabling high standards of academic excellence to be achieved. IST has a prominent position in R&D, not only at university level, but also in the overall context of the Portuguese scientific and technological system. This position derives from the dynamism and scientific excellence demonstrated by its teachers and researchers. Links with Society The aim is to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship in students and teachers, in particular through links with the business community. In addition, through provision of services (including university extension activities and continuous training), IST provides the necessary interface as a catalyst for these links.

O estagiário deve estar consciente de que: Representa um país e não uma IES. Que é estagiário da IAESTE Portugal.

Números de mobilidade 2012 Estudantes enviados 81 Estudantes recebidos 77 2011 89 102 2010 67 75 JP: Mto cinzentão… sem complicar, dá para alegrar? - os últimos 210 não diz se é in ou ou?

Obrigada pela vossa atenção!