Eficiência energética e energia renovável


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Eficiência energética e energia renovável 4/13/2017 Eficiência energética e energia renovável no contexto global Energy efficiency and renewable energy in the global context Mauro Vranjac

O céu estrelado global 4/13/2017 Energy is hard to visualize, but perhaps this image comes close. Energy runs the world’s economies. It is essential an essential part of our lives. Energy supply and demand is both the result of existing policy -- and drives new policy. Curbing demand growth and developing new, diverse, clean supplies of energy is the challenge before us. Additional Notes: Of course, this is just an indicator of ELECTRICITY demand, not all energy use. This pieced-together image, makes it appear as if the entire globe is dark at once, which is obviously never the case. This image is from 2000 – there is no more recent update that we are aware of at this time Earth at Night (from NASA 11/27/00) More detail from NASA is below: http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view_rec.php?id=1438 The brightest areas of the Earth are the most urbanized, but not necessarily the most populated. (Compare western Europe with China and India.) Cities tend to grow along coastlines and transportation networks. Even without the underlying map, the outlines of many continents would still be visible. The United States interstate highway system appears as a lattice connecting the brighter dots of city centers. In Russia, the Trans-Siberian railroad is a thin line stretching from Moscow through the center of Asia to Vladivostok. The Nile River, from the Aswan Dam to the Mediterranean Sea, is another bright thread through an otherwise dark region. Even more than 100 years after the invention of the electric light, some regions remain thinly populated and unlit. Antarctica is entirely dark. The interior jungles of Africa and South America are mostly dark, but lights are beginning to appear there. Deserts in Africa, Arabia, Australia, Mongolia, and the United States are poorly lit as well (except along the coast), along with the boreal forests of Canada and Russia, and the great mountains of the Himalaya. 2

Consumo global: Detalhamento do consumo de combustível 4/13/2017 Consumo global: Detalhamento do consumo de combustível O mundo depende de energia fóssil. Total do consumo mundial de energia, 2008 We rely on fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas--for 82.0% of our energy (83.1% in the United States). Natural gas burns much cleaner than other fossil fuels, and it will be an important in our energy future. Renewable sources (including hydropower) only account for 12.2% of our energy (8.2% in the United States). Without conventional hydro, renewables drop to 10.0% globally. We have a massive challenge before us if we want to realize a clean energy future. World stats from IEA in (Total Primary Energy Supply from pg 37 of http://www.iea.org/textbase/nppdf/free/2010/key_stats_2010.pdf) and U.S. stats from EIA’s Monthly Energy Review June 2011 (http://www.eia.gov/totalenergy/data/monthly/pdf/sec1_7.pdf). 2010 U.S. Stats: Fossil Fuels: 83.1% = 81.425/98.003 in 2010 from Table 1.3 June 2011 Monthly Energy Review Renewables: 8.2% = 8.049/98.003 in 2010 from Table 1.3 June 2011 Monthly Energy Review 2008 U.S. Stats: Fossil Fuels: 84.2% = 83.540/99.268 from Table 1.3 June 2011 Monthly Energy Review Renewables: 7.2% = 7.190/99.268 from Table 1.3 June 2011 Monthly Energy Review Observação: O gráfico mostra o suprimento de energia primária. Fonte: International Energy Agency, 2010 Key World Energy Statistics. 3

Consumo global: Detalhamento do setor 4/13/2017 Consumo global: Detalhamento do setor A energia do mundo é usada predominantemente para transporte, indústria e edificações. Total do consumo mundial de energia, 2008 = 334,5 quads (12,0 BTCE) The greatest energy uses are in transport, industry, and buildings (residential, commercial, and public). Source: 2008 Energy Balance for the World http://www.iea.org/stats/balancetable.asp?COUNTRY_CODE=29 Energy converted here: http://www.iea.org/stats/unit.asp Observação: O gráfico mostra o suprimento de energia final. Outros setores incluem agricultura, reflorestamento, pesca e outros não especificados. Fonte: International Energy Agency, 2008 Energy Balance for the World, acessado em 14 de julho de 2011. 4

Consumo global: Crescimento projetado 4/13/2017 Consumo global: Crescimento projetado Para atender a crescente demanda de energia, o suprimento global de energia tem um crescimento projetado de 40% de 2007 a 2030. Toneladas equivalentes a petróleo (Million tons of oil equivalent - Mtoe) 2007 TPES: 12029.27 Mtoe (IEA 2009 Key Energy Data) 40% rise from 2007 to 2030 Reference Scenario 20% rise from 2007 to 2030 Policy Scenario RS (Reference Scenario): Cenário de referência (com base nas políticas atuais) 450 PS (Policy Scenario): Cenário 450*** (com base nas políticas consideradas) Observação: O gráfico mostra o suprimento de energia primária. *Inclui aviação e combustíveis marítimos internacionais. **Outros incluem combustíveis renováveis e resíduos, geotérmicos, solar, eólico, marés, etc.*** Com base em um quadro plausível de política climática pós-2012 de estabilização da concentração de gases do efeito estufa em 450 ppm de CO2 equivalente. Fonte: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2010.

Desafios energéticos globais 4/13/2017 Desafios energéticos globais Desafios primordiais: Redução do carbono Colocação de tecnologias de energia limpa no mercado Pesquisa e necessidades de desenvolvimento Crescimento econômico Desenvolvimento de mão de obra Segurança Soluções energéticas limpas Ambiente Economia If Energy is at the nexus of economy, security, and the environment, then Clean Energy is at the nexus of solutions to these challenges. Security: Energy self-reliance; Stable, diverse energy supply Environment: Clean air; Clean water; Climate Economy: innovation driving new technologies; Long term growth in clean energy; Green workforce A eficiência energética e a energia renovável proporcionam soluções para os desafios energéticos globais. 6

Soluções energéticas globais: Eficiência energética A eficiência no uso final é fundamental para a redução das emissões de GEE (Gases do efeito estufa) do consumo de energia. Eficiência de utilização final Usinas hidrelétricas Renováveis Biocombustíveis Nuclear CCS Potencial de utilização final Redução mundial de energia relacionada às emissões de CO2 no Cenário 450, 2007-2030 Gt de CO2 Fonte: OECD/IEA 2009, World Energy Outlook 2009. Observações: Gt refere-se a gigatoneladas de dióxido de carbono “Eficiência de uso final” inclui construção, equipamentos elétricos, iluminação, transporte e indústria.

Uma mudança incremental não será suficiente. 4/13/2017 Realização do potencial: Mudança transformacional Uma mudança incremental não será suficiente. Os desafios econômicos, climáticos e de segurança energética exigem uma mudança transformacional. Para transformar o panorama energético é preciso uma política rigorosa. We are on the cusp of next great era in world history. We cannot afford take baby steps here and there. We need to fundamentally transform the energy landscape. And to do that requires smart, robust policies at all levels of government that incent the private sector to take off—all around the globe. NREL 14580.jpg, 17032.jpg, 16142.jpg, 16381.jpg, 18042.jpg, 18279.jpg, 13998.jpg 8

Solução: Construir uma economia de energia limpa 4/13/2017 Solução: Construir uma economia de energia limpa Para construir uma economia de energia limpa é preciso uma abordagem planejada e sistemática: Conduzir inovações de alto impacto Levar a inovação ao mercado, rapidamente e em escala Atrair as pessoas mais brilhantes e melhores Comunicar planos e conquistas para envolver o público However, we can’t attack this problem haphazardly. Achieving transformational change and building our clean energy future requires a planned, systematic approach. The United States Department of Energy is taking that approach and working to solve these problems through R&D and policy. NREL 14565.jpg, 13639.jpg, 17590.jpg 9

Oportunidades: Áreas com focos inovadores 4/13/2017 Oportunidades: Áreas com focos inovadores Energia renovável Solar Eólica Biomassa/Biocombustíveis Energia hidroelétrica Geotérmica Eficiência energética Tecnologias de construção Climatização Tecnologias automotivas Tecnologias industriais Células combustíveis Gestão energética nacional EERE houses 10 renewable energy and energy efficiency programs that are working on high-impact innovation in their own way. These programs have activities in every part of the U.S. economy – from vehicles, industry, residential and commercial buildings to electricity supply. We are trying to improve the performance, drive down the cost and increase the market penetration of our clean energy and energy efficiency technologies so they move from being “green niche” to mass market solutions. Most of our work is focused on research and development, but we also work to address non-technical barriers, such as siting, permitting, and grid integration and outreach and assistance to local and state governments. Strengthen America’s energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality through R&D and public- private partnerships that – diversify the United States’ sources of energy; increase efficiency and productivity of the existing energy infrastructure; bring clean, reliable and affordable energy technologies to the marketplace; and, make a difference in the everyday lives of Americans by productively enhancing their energy choices and quality of life. NREL 16563.jpg, 18070.jpg, 08980.jpg, 17416.jpg, 15105.jpg 10

Oportunidades em energia renovável 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em energia renovável Captura de luz solar Conversão de biomassa Energia hidroelétrica To prepare for increased global competition, rising energy demand, and high prices, the nation must develop a broad range of energy resources. This will require the development of new technologies and active adoption and use of the most energy-efficient technologies and practices. Aproveitamento de vento

Oportunidades em biomassa 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em biomassa Converter biomassa para transporte: Em 2010, os EUA produziram 13 bilhões de galões de etanol - atendendo 7% das necessidades de combustível leves. Desde 2006, os EUA tem incentivado o mundo a produzir etanol ~10 milhões veículos flex rodando em estradas dos EUA. Sources: 2010 ethanol production 13.2 billion gallons, EIA, June 2011 Monthly Energy Review, http://www.eia.gov/totalenergy/data/monthly/pdf/sec10_7.pdf Notes: In this calculation, “light duty fuel needs” was calculated as “finished motor gasoline supplied” in EIA reporting for 2010, at http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_cons_psup_dc_nus_mbbl_a.htm. This equals 138.5 billion gallons, which includes the blended ethanol. When the ethanol is removed from this total and lower energy content of the 13.2 billion gallons of ethanol is considered, 6.6% (approximately 7%) of finished motor gasoline supplied/light duty fuels needs is ethanol. Brazil led global ethanol production until 2005. EIA, International Energy Statistics, Renewables, Biofuels Production, http://www.eia.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/IEDIndex3.cfm?tid=79&pid=79&aid=1 ~ 10 million FFV on the road figure from EIA, Table V1. Estimated Number of Alternative Fueled Vehicles in Use in the United States, by Fuel Type, 2005 – 2009, http://www.eia.gov/renewable/alternative_transport_vehicles/pdf/attf_V1.pdf NREL 00308.jpg

Oportunidades em energia solar 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em energia solar Captura de luz solar As metas dos EUA são ter energia solar a custo competitivo até 2015 e acelerar a penetração em todo o mercado com: Energia fotovoltaica (PV) Concentração de energia solar (CSP) Integração de sistemas (Redes) Transformação de mercado NREL 08846.jpg 10861.jpg Concentrating Solar Power Facilitate the deployment of a cluster of innovative CSP projects that together can add up to 1 gigawatt of electricity capacity. Project aims to accelerate demonstration of advanced technologies – and reduce siting & transmission cycle time – to enable use of substantial private capital resources for build-out of large scale facilities. Coletor Torre Disco

Oportunidades em energia eólica 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em energia eólica Aproveitamento de vento Os Estados Unidos têm 41.281 MW de capacidade eólica instalada (até o 1 trimestre de 2011), a segunda maior de qualquer país do mundo. Mais de 5.000 MW de capacidade de geração eólica foram ampliadas nos Estados Unidos em 2010—25% de nova capacidade elétrica. Os Estados Unidos têm potencial de energia eólica para abastecer 20% da eletricidade do país em 2030. Um volume enorme de recursos eólicos (> 4.000 mil MW) fora dos EUA continua a ser um mercado inexplorado. In 2010, China overtook the US and became the world leader in installed wind capacity NREL 17856.jpg, 18891.jpg

Oportunidades em energia hidroelétrica 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em energia hidroelétrica Energia hidroelétrica: A maior fonte atual de energia nacional, limpa e renovável dos 257 milhões de megawatts-hora (MWh) de energia elétrica produzidos nos EUA era gerada a partir de hidrelétricas convencionais em 2010—7% da produção de eletricidade dos EUA Atualmente, em estágio inicial de desenvolvimento em indústrias de energia marítima e hidrocinética NREl 17210.jpg, 06595.jpg

Oportunidades em energia geotérmica 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em energia geotérmica Energia geotérmica: Os Estados Unidos são o líder mundial em capacidade de energia geotérmica e geração de energia elétrica em linha. A capacidade instalada é de 3.100 MWe. Um total de 123 novos projetos estão em andamento em 15 estados, totalizando 3.500 MWe adicionais. O potencial dos sistemas geotérmicos ampliados (EGS) é> 100 GW até 2050. NREL 17270.jpg

Construindo oportunidades de eficiência 4/13/2017 Construindo oportunidades de eficiência As tecnologias de construção disponíveis atualmente podem, reduzir o consumo de energia e a poluição, a um custo líquido baixo ou negativo. Códigos de construção e padrões de equipamentos elétricos Tecnologias e práticas econômicas e com eficiência energética Revestimentos externos de construções Equipamentos Iluminação, luz diurna, janelas Telhados e coberturas frios Sensores avançados e controles  Aquecimento, refrigeração e energia combinados Projeto completo do edifício Build America’s research, development, and demonstration activities aim to produce cost-effective homes that use up to 70% less energy. Available technologies could reduce projected energy use in buildings 41% by 2050, thereby avoiding approximately 40% (11.5 Gt ) of current fossil CO2 emissions. Source: IEA Scoreboard 2009: 35 Key Energy Trends over 35 Years. OECD/IEA. Long-term DOE goals: For new construction, the ultimate residential goal is to produce homes on a community scale that use on average 40% to 100% less source energy. For commercial buildings, the goal is to achieve 50% to 70% whole building energy improvements, relative to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004. These are both long-term goals for BTP with a focus on achieving these energy savings in a cost-effective manner. Investing in energy-efficient buildings yields: Cost savings for homeowners and businesses; Reductions in peak demand, providing the energy needed for a strong economy with fewer new power plants; and Expeditious and sustained reductions in carbon dioxide emissions—with fast paybacks and positive economic returns. Building efficiency can lower energy costs, reduce pollution, and provide greater energy security. In 2006, lighting was 18% of primary energy consumption in buildings or 8.2 % of total primary energy consumption at 6.9 quads (2009 Buildings Data Book) In addition to accelerating the pace of new final standards, the Obama Administration has significantly increased the enforcement of existing conservation standards.  For example, on March 29, 2010, the Department ordered that AeroSys, Inc. stop distributing an air conditioner and heat pump that independent testing showed were consuming more energy than allowed under federal efficiency standards.  NREL 06429.jpg, 18836.jpg 17

Oportunidades em eficiência industrial 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em eficiência industrial A eficiência energética pode gerar para a indústria benefícios em termos de custo, produtividade, recuperação do abastecimento de energia e competitividade. Desenvolver processos e materiais de fabricação da próxima geração Processos de fabricação que limitem a intensidade energética Tecnologias de materiais que reduzam o consumo energético durante o ciclo de vida e forneça alto desempenho, a um custo baixo Promover a indústria de gestão energética Identificar, empregar, certificar e compensar a gestão energética eficaz Desenvolver ferramentas e protocolos para permitir que a indústria avalie e gerencie o uso de energia Promover a educação e o treinamento prático para uma nova geração de engenheiros especialistas em gestão energética DOE’s Industrial Technologies Program has facilitated a cumulative net energy savings of ~5.65 quads, with a cost savings of $37.8 billion (in 2006 dollars). http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/pdfs/itp_results.pdf Globally, manufacturing can improve its energy efficiency by an impressive 18% to 26% while reducing the sector’s CO2 emissions by 19% to 32%, based on proven technology. Source: Tracking Industrial Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions, OECD/IEA, 2007 ITP works to improve the energy efficiency of U.S. industry through coordinated research and development, validation, and dissemination of innovative technologies and practices. Partner with industry and other stakeholders to Save energy Improve productivity Reduce reliance on foreign oil Reduce environmental impacts To maximize effectiveness, we use a partnership approach (two-way partnership with industry, suppliers, universities, national labs, others). Collaborative R&D: We invest in collaborative, cost-shared partnerships that conduct R&D on promising technologies to meet the priority needs of industry. Partners spread the costs and risks of R&D Partnerships bring together expertise, experience, resources, and facilities to accelerate the pace of technology advances. Energy Management: To get today’s energy-efficient technologies and best energy management practices into use on the plant floor, we also conduct a range of outreach and partnership activities that incorporate training, tools, assessments, and demonstrations. NREL 15778.jpg

Oportunidades em eficiência automotiva 4/13/2017 Oportunidades em eficiência automotiva A eficiência energética pode melhorar a eficiência de combustível, reduzir as emissões de gases do efeito estufa, e reduzir a dependência nacional do petróleo importado. Pesquisa e desenvolvimento Veículos e componentes elétricos Lubrificantes e combustíveis não convencionais Tecnologias de motor avançadas Materiais leves e de alto desempenho Parcerias com organizações locais e governamentais Desenvolvimento e educação “CO2 emissions in 2050 could be reduced to levels below what they are today by accelerating needed technology advances and enacting robust supporting policies.” Technology Action Plan: Advanced Vehicles, prepared for the Major Economies Forum, December 2009. Vehicles data from U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2010 Policy Steps Taken May 21, 2010: EPA-DOT MOU created the first-ever National Policy to increase fuel efficiency and decrease greenhouse gas pollution from medium- and heavy-duty trucks for Model Years 2014-2018. April 1, 2010: Final CAFE Standards rule announced. Increased CAFE standard to 35.5 mpg for new cars and light-duty trucks manufactured in Model Years 2012-2016 and sold in the United States; This will save the nation 1.8 billion barrels of oil and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly one billion metric tons -- equivalent to taking 50 million cars off the road -- over the lifetime of vehicles sold in Model Years 2012-2016. New standards for heavy-duty vehicles: EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are taking coordinated steps to enable the production of a new generation of clean vehicles, though reduced GHG emissions and improved fuel efficiency from on-road vehicles and engines. These next steps include developing first-ever GHG regulations for heavy-duty engines and vehicles, as well as further light-duty vehicle GHG regulations. These steps were outlined by President Obama in a memorandum on May 21, 2010.” “the proposed Heavy-Duty National Program would apply to combination tractors (the semi trucks that typically pull trailers), heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans, and vocational vehicles (including buses and refuse or utility trucks). Together, these standards would cut greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 250 million metric tons and save about 500 million barrels of oil over the lifetime of the vehicles sold in model years 2014-2018. President Obama has set a goal of putting one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015. Although the goal is ambitious, key steps already taken and further steps proposed indicate the goal is achievable. Indeed, leading vehicle manufacturers already have plans for cumulative U.S. production capacity of more than 1.2 million electric vehicles by 2015, according to public announcements and news reports. DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Program has Established alternative fuel corridors Spearheaded a Major Increase in Alternative Fuel Transit Buses Developed world-class modeling tools that enable dynamic analysis of vehicle performance and efficiency to support detailed design, development, and validation of vehicle components and systems NREL 17633.jpg, 18563.jpg, 17061.jpg

Padrão do sistema de gestão energética global 4/13/2017 Padrão do sistema de gestão energética global ISO 50001: Novo padrão de gestão de energia para edificações e indústria Impactos potenciais: Poderia afetar até 60% do consumo de energia no mundo em diversos setores econômicos As empresas implantarão o padrão em resposta a: Programas de sustentabilidade corporativa Iniciativas de redução do custo de energia Demanda criada na cadeia logística de fabricação Legislação sobre energia e carbono e acordos internacionais relativos ao clima ISO 50001 launched in June 2011. ISO created Project Committee (PC) 242 to carry out development of ISO 50001, which included participation by 59 nations (14 observers). To lead the international development ISO 50001, Brazil [Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT]) served jointly with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as Secretariat of PC 242 (and DOE supported ANSI in its role). ISO 50001 provides benefits for organizations large and small, in both public and private sectors, in manufacturing and services, in all regions of the world. ISO 50001 applies not only to industry - commercial, Federal, and institutional buildings, as well as entire organizations. NREL 10856.jpg, 05043.jpg 20

Emirados Árabes Unidos 4/13/2017 Desempenho Energético Superior Global Em julho de 2010, no Clean Energy Ministerial, os EUA lançaram um desafio global de eficiência energética com iniciativas em equipamentos elétricos, construção, indústria, veículos, e a rede inteligente (Smart Grid). Austrália Bélgica UE Brasil Canadá China Dinamarca França Índia Alemanha Indonésia Itália Japão Coreia México   At the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in Washington, D.C., government and corporate leaders announced a new initiative to accelerate energy efficiency improvements throughout industrial facilities and large buildings. The purpose of this initiative, called the Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership (GSEP), is to significantly cut global energy use. GSEP has since expanded. Today, within GSEP, there are six active working groups: Certification Working Group Power Working Group Steel Working Group Cool Roofs Combined Heat and Power Cement GSEP is also a task group under the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC). The certification part of GSEP builds on ISO 50001, adding a component for verified, sustained energy savings. Noruega Rússia África do Sul Espanha Emirados Árabes Unidos Reino Unido Estados Unidos

Um futuro com energia limpa 4/13/2017 Um futuro com energia limpa “…Este é o momento de mudar a forma como consumimos a energia. Juntos, precisamos enfrentar a mudança climática acabando com a dependência de combustíveis fósseis, aproveitando a energia de novas fontes como o vento e o sol, e apelando para que todas as nações façam a sua parte E eu prometo a vocês que neste esforço global, os Estados Unidos estão prontos para assumir a liderança. “ - Presidente Obama, 5 de abril de 2009 Praga, República Tcheca 22

Departamento de Energia dos EUA 4/13/2017 Obrigado James Quinn Departamento de Energia dos EUA 04742.jpg, 06479.jpg, 10516.jpg, 08097.jpg, 07219.jpg, 13439.jpg, 14998.jpg, 13435.jpg, 17133.jpg ,16894.jpg 23