O homem perante o mundo Departamento de Doutrina Encontro 19


Apresentações semelhantes

1. As 7 igrejas representam 7 períodos pelos quais a igreja passaria até a 2ª vinda de Cristo. F 2. Um dos aspectos tristes profetizados, é a apostasia.
Deus criou o homem, à Sua imagem (Gênesis 1:26), com a faculdade de escolha.
2ª Aula de MULTIPLICAÇÃO ESPIRITUAL Alcançando Decisões.
“Quem quiser ser o primeiro, seja vosso servo”
uma oportunidade perdida
Desnudos como Francisco de Assis digamos o “Pai Nosso”(Liszt)
no Evangelho de S. Marcos
Estudo 12 – O Deus Consolador
“Que vos ameis uns aos outros, como eu vos amei”
Prezado Irmão Este estudo, o qual denominamos “A Verdade Acima de Tudo”, é uma profunda e substanciosa abordagem sobre a Doutrina da trindade. Esta abordagem,
Tesouros na terra ou tesouros no céu? Mateus
11 E Jesus disse ainda: – Um homem tinha dois filhos.
 A Bíblia inteira nos foi dada por inspiração de Deus, e é útil para nos ensinar o que é verdadeiro, e para nos fazer compreender o que está errado em.
A Videira Verdadeira João 15:1-17
Introdução ao Curso Bíblico "Conhecendo o Evangelho da Graça"
Escravidão & Liberdade
O Senhor esteja convosco. Ele está no meio de nós.
Clique para passagem de slides Ligue o som
Os Dez Mandamentos Êxodo 20:1-17.
(Mateus 6:21) - Porque onde estiver o vosso tesouro, aí estará também o vosso coração. Diante do que os meus olhos conseguirem enxergar é que acharei os.
SEGUIR A CRISTO O que significa? Mateus 19:16-22 Marcos 10:17-22
A expressão "fundo duma agulha"
vos digo que o céu e a Terra não passarão, sem que tudo o que se
Sábado o Selo de Deus 4 Jesus e o Sábado Peter P. Goldschmidt
“O que tens de fazer, faze-o depressa”. (Jo 13.27b)
DEUS ESTÁ AQUI Deus está aqui neste momento.
1 2 Observa ilustração. Cria um texto. Observa ilustração.
O Pai Espiritual Lucas 15:
Um Coração liberto Lucas 15:
Restaurados por Cristo - Nicodemos
João 18:28 – 19:16 O Poder do Reino de Deus.
SABEDORIA DIVINA Lição de janeiro de 2015.
“Tudo o que aprendi se resume nisto: Deus nos fez simples e direitos, mas nós complicamos tudo.” Eclesiastes 7.29 NTLH.
1-Salvação ”Senhor, deixe a Salvação florescer dentro dos meus filhos, para que eles obtenham a Salvação de Cristo Jesus, com glória eterna.” (2 Timóteo.
Jesus ensina a rezar o Pai-nosso!
Permanecer na Consagração de Vida
A Vontade de Deus em Quatro Dimensões
Série: Atos dos apóstolos Atos 9:
“A saudação do anjo: Alegre-te, cheia de graça. O Senhor está contigo
O Acampamento acabou….
A Fé que transforma sua vida
Identificando Oportunidades
Como sair do “quase” e acertar o alvo!
Revista e Atualizada(RA)
O que uma pessoa pode fazer pelo mundo?
2 º Encontro GEESE Resumo AGO/SET/OUT/NOV-2009 Uma Reflexão em busca de nossa identidade espiritual Sentir- Pensar-Refletir.
Mateus 4 6. Se és Filho de Deus, lança-te abaixo, pois está escrito: Ele deu a seus anjos ordens a teu respeito; proteger-te-ão com as mãos, com cuidado,
Atos 4:9-12.
As Leis da Reencarnação e do Carma e a Evolução do Espírito
Emmanuel / Chico Xavier– Fonte Viva
O Projeto do Reino de Deus
Salmo de Davi escrito quando os moradores de Zife, à traição, foram contar a Saul que Davi estava escondido em sua terra. SALMO,
"Jesus olhou para ele e o amou”. Marcos 10.21a
Bom dia filho(a) Poderia me doar alguns minutos de seu tempo. Jesus Cristo.
Transcrição da apresentação:

O homem perante o mundo Departamento de Doutrina Encontro 19 10 de maio 2010

O Homem perante o mundo Principais Pontos Qual o objetivo de estarmos encarnados? Quais são as metas a que devo atingir? Qual a minha visão de mundo? Quais são os valores que possuo que me auxiliam na conquista de meus objetivos? What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 2 2 2

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação "Um homem de posição perguntou a Jesus: Bom Mestre, que devo eu fazer para herdar a vida eterna? Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Por que me chamas bom? Ninguém é bom senão só um, que é Deus. Sabes os mandamentos: não adulterarás, não matarás, não furtarás, não dirás falso testemunho, honra a teu pai e tua mãe. Replicou ele: Todas estas coisas tenho guardado desde a minha mocidade. Jesus, ouvindo isto, disse-lhe: Ainda uma coisa te falta; vende tudo o que tens e reparte-o pelos pobres e terás um tesouro no Céu; e vem seguir-me. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 3 3 3

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não adulterarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 4 4 4

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não adulterarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 5 5 5

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não matarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas 18 e João 8 6 6 6

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não matarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 7 7 7

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não matarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 8 8 8

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não furtarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 9 9 9

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não furtarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 10 10 10

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não furtarás: What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 11 11 11

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Não dirás falso testemunho What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 12 12 12

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Honra a teu pai e tua mãe. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Lucas, 18 13 13 13

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Questão 132: Qual o objetivo da encarnação? Deus lhes impõe a encarnação com o fim de fazê-los chegar à perfeição. "O objetivo da encarnação dos Espíritos visa o seu aprendizado para alcançar a perfeição. Para uns, é expiação, para outros, missão. Para tanto, tem que sofrer todas as vicissitudes da existência corporal, visando ainda pôr o Espírito em condições de suportar a parte que lhe toca na obra da criação.” What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 14 14 14

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação Objetivo na Terra. Evoluir, desenvolver sua potencialidade interior, compreender a sim mesma e ao mundo que a cerca, corrigir os erros cometidos no passado, superar os próprios defeitos, desenvolvendo assim, gradativamente, o germe da perfeição que carrega em sim mesma, como herança Divina. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 15 15 15

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Objetivos da encarnação “Se perguntássemos ao grão de trigo que opinião alimenta acerca do moinho, naturalmente responderia que dentro dele encontra a casa de tortura em que se aflige e sofre; no entanto, é de lá que ele se ausenta aprimorado para a glória do pão na subsistência do mundo... Não te perturbes, pois, diante da luta, e observa. O que te parece derrota, muita vez é vitória. E o que se te afigura em favor de tua morte, é contribuição para o teu engrandecimento na vida eterna.” What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 16 16 16

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Metas do homem encarnado Definição Significa baliza, marco, limite, alvo, mira, gol, arco ou trave. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 17 17 17

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Metas do homem encarnado Meta é o posicionamento que tenho para o futuro. Uma meta não é a mesma coisa que um objetivo e vice-versa. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Meu objetivo é parar de fumar, e minha meta é chegar a 1 cigarro por dia. 18 18 18

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Metas do homem encarnado “A fórmula da minha felicidade: um sim, um não, uma linha reta, um objetivo”. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 19 19 19

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Metas do homem encarnado “Dedicai vossa atenção aos caminhos retos e achareis o necessário.” What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Jesus (João 23) 20 20 20

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Metas do homem encarnado “Endireitai o caminho do Senhor, como disse o profeta Isaías.” João Batista. A exortação do Precursor permanece no ar, convocando os homens de boa-vontade à regeneração das estradas comuns. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Se queres que Jesus venha santificar as tuas atividades, endireita os caminhos da existência, regenera os teus impulsos. Desfaze as sombras que te rodeiam e senti-Lo-ás, ao teu lado, com a sua bênção. Emmanuel – Caminho, verdade e vida 21 21 21

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Visão do mundo onde estou encarnado Perceber para onde as coisas vão, quais são as forças que se opõem aos objetivos que tracei. Como lidar com elas, quais são as oportunidades que se abrem, como aproveitá-las bem. Quem quer ter a tal visão em geral, precisa estar “antenada” e alerta – pessoal que acompanha os acontecimentos da vida. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Os apelos e facilidades que a vida oferece. 22 22 22

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Visão do mundo onde estou encarnado Vigiai e orai. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 23 23 23

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Visão do mundo onde estou encarnado Vigiar as próprias manifestações, não se julgando indispensável e preferindo a autocrítica ao auto-elogio, recordando que o exemplo da humildade é a maior força para a transformação das criaturas. Toda presunção evidencia afastamento do Evangelho. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. André Luiz Da Obra “Seleção de Obras Espíritas” Psicografia de Francisco Candido Xavier 24 24 24

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Visão do mundo onde estou encarnado Eu sou o caminho. Jesus – João 14:6 Cristãos que não aproveitam o caminho do Senhor para alcançarem a legítima prosperidade espiritual são criaturas voluntariamente condenadas à estagnação. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 25 25 25

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Visão do mundo onde estou encarnado As criaturas denominadas ecos do mundo são aquelas que estão na Terra à mercê de tudo o que as rodeia. Estão envolvidas, inconscientemente, por coisas, pessoas, situações e fatos, como folhas perdidas ao vento na imensidão de uma planície. Elas desconhecem as raízes de suas reações emocionais e ignoram as energias que chegam em seu campo sensório. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Hammed – A imensidão dos Sentidos 26 26 26

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Visão do mundo onde estou encarnado A existência humana constitui limitação. Obra inacabada, toda criatura carece de retoques, reclamando concurso “internos” para atingir os seus fins. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. Texto adaptado de Abel Mattos Obra: Seareiros de Volta Psicografia de Waldo Vieira 27 27 27

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Valores “Ferramentas” de auxilio Atributo que é conferido a qualquer pessoa. What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 28 28 28

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Valores “Ferramentas” de auxilio São nossos talentos What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 29 29 29

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Valores “Ferramentas” de auxilio “Se recebeste, pois, mais rude tarefa no mundo, não te atemorizes à frente dos outros e faze dela o teu caminho de progresso e renovação. Por mais sombria seja a estrada a que foste conduzido pelas circunstâncias, enriquece-a com a luz do teu esforço no bem, porque o medo não serviu como justificativa aceitável no acerto de contas entre o servo e o Senhor.” What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 30 30 30

O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Valores “Ferramentas” de auxilio What is more interesting is growth of unstructured content within organizaitons….. Unstructured Information is Becoming the Dominant Information Type in Large Companies More than 85 percent of the information customers need to deliver to the right people, business applications and processes is stored in a format that cannot be easily searched or accessed via conventional database software. The piece-part approach to managing, securing and storing critical business information prevents companies from gaining value from business information and using it to their advantage. IBM’s ability to effectively combine software, hardware and industry expertise is helping clients get the information they need in real-time, instead of after the fact. 31 31 31

Volte sempre e vá com Jesus de Nazaré!!! O HOMEM PERANTE O MUNDO Que bom que você veio! Volte sempre e vá com Jesus de Nazaré!!!