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Desenvolvimento e Retenção

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1 Desenvolvimento e Retenção
Uma estratégia para o Futuro José Antonio Figueiredo Antiório Coordenador Regional do DQS de Rotary International Zona 22 Brasil

Coordenador Regional do Desenvolvimento do Quadro Social de Rotary International ZONA 22 e.mail: End. Alameda Holanda, 160 – Res. I Alphaville – Barueri – SP Cep Fones: (011) Coml. (011) Res. (011)

3 Presidente do Rotary International
John Kenny Presidente do Rotary International

4 Desafio: 200 milhões de dólares do Rotary A Fundação Gates outorgou à Fundação Rotária US$ 355 milhões, em duas doações e o Rotary se comprometeu a angariar US$ 200 milhões até 30 de junho de 2012, iniciativa conhecida como “Desafio 200 milhões de dólares do Rotary”.


6 Metas para o Desenvolvimento do Quadro Social em 2009-10
Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation. Retenção de 80% do Quadro Social; Fundação de pelo menos dois novos clubes no Distrito; Crescimento líquido de 2 sócios em cada clube; 6

7 Metas para o Desenvolvimento do Quadro Social em 2009-10
Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation. Aumento da porcentagem de mulheres; Aumento da porcentagem de jovens; Admissão de pelos menos um ex-participante de programa do RI ou da Fundação; 7) Aumento da diversidade do quadro social. 7

8 Avenidas de Serviços Clubes eficazes Plano de Liderança de Clube
Mantêm estável ou ampliam o quadro social Implementam projetos bem-sucedidos de prestação de serviços Apóiam a Fundação Rotária Formam líderes além do âmbito do clube Avenidas de Serviços Plano de Liderança de Clube Rotary promotes the 4 elements of an effective club – illustrated with these pillars. Sustaining and increasing membership is one of the basic pillars of an effective club. Service is a pillar. Identifying and developing leaders and supporting the Rotary Foundation. All of these are only accomplished thru membership.

9 Recrutamento de Sócios
Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation. 1) Novos sócios se tornam líderes no futuro A diversidade do quadro social torna o clube mais representativo Novos rotarianos trazem idéias inovadoras 4) Um número maior de rotarianos implica em maior prestação de serviços

10 Quem somos...mundialmente
Idade: 50 – 59: 30% 40 – 49: 23% : 22% Mais de 70: 14% 30 – 39: 10% Menos de 30: 1% The largest age group is 10

11 Quem somos...mundialmente
40% - sócios por mais de 10 anos 20% - de 6 a 10 anos 19% - de 3 a 5 anos 12% - de 1 a 2 anos 9% - sócios por menos de um ano


13 Here are 7 reasons identified by RI program sponsored alumni who ARE interested in joining Rotary.
They want to join because of: Rotary’s community service opportunities To meet a variety of people To make a difference and create a better world To help other young people have the same great experience they had in their program They think Rotary is generally a good organization to be involved in They believe in Rotary’s mission and ideals They want to give back to Rotary Also, most survey respondents had very positive things to say about their experience in their program and had positive experiences at Rotary club meetings. When recommending alumni to clubs it is important for districts to consider carefully and work to find the right club for them Many who want to join have concerns about specific issues: time commitment, weekly meetings, and age and gender differences

14 Este é o desafio real do crescimento do quadro social
As necessidades humanitárias no Século XXI exigem rotarianos dedicados e dinâmicos Mudar nosso estilo de liderança Isso implica: Mudar a cultura do clube Ouvir os sócios do clube Atender as necessidades da comunidade Este é o desafio real do crescimento do quadro social

15 As classificações preenchidas no quadro social do seu Distrito refletem a demografia dos negócios do território Distrital? Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation.

16 Como os familiares dos rotarianos do seu Distrito se sentem a respeito do seu envolvimento com o Rotary? Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation.

17 A confortabilidade dentro dos Clubes, o compartilhar opiniões, a participação em projetos, os contatos profissionais, a prestação de serviços e o companheirismo são peças fundamentais para o crescimento do quadro social em seu Distrito? Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation.

18 Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1
Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation. A diversidade profissional da Comunidade em seu Distrito é representada nos Clubes?

19 Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1
Let’s look briefly at what Rotarians accomplished through service at 1.2 million. Over the past 10 years We have undertaken approximately 1.8 million projects We have worked approximately 253 million hours volunteering We have spent in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars (US) on service projects If you review the TRF annual report that was in your theme bag you’ll see, among other accomplishments, enormous amounts of money contributed to the Foundation. Os sócios dos diversos Rotary Clubs do seu Distrito têem sido satisfatoriamente orientados nos clubes e nos eventos distritais, na sua totalidade?

20 Desenvolvimento e Retenção
Uma estratégia para o Futuro José Antonio Figueiredo Antiório Coordenador Regional do DQS de Rotary International Zona 22 Brasil

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