Cloud Computing para um Planeta mais Inteligente


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Cloud Computing para um Planeta mais Inteligente Marcos Lohmann IBM Cloud Labs - HiPODS Cloud Computing para um Planeta mais Inteligente Jun/2012

A infra-estrutura do mundo está no limite... Sobrecarga de Rede Trafego Portos Subutilizados Erros de processo We are all familiar with global integration and how the planet is becoming flatter And through interconnected communications and commerce, it’s becoming smaller But something else is also going on. Something that may ultimately have a more profound affect on our society, businesses and individual lives…the planet is also becoming smarter. Crise Energética e Climática Crise Financeira

Algo significante está acontecendo... Todo ser humano, empresa, organização, cidade, nação, sistema artificial e natural está se tornando interconectado, instrumentado e inteligente. …a infra-estrutura do mundo precisa ser re-instrumentada. O mundo está mais plano. Porque é possível O mundo está menor. Our planet is becoming more intelligent, more instrumented, and more interconnected day by day. And with these changes come amazing opportunities for society as a whole and for every business, institution and individual. With so much technology and networking abundantly available, what wouldn't you put smart technology into? What service wouldn’t you provide ? What wouldn't you connect? What information wouldn't you mine for insight? The answer is, you – or your competitor – will do all of that. You will do it because you can. But the even more compelling reason we will all begin to transform our systems, operations, enterprises and personal lives to take advantage of a smarter world isn’t just because we can. It’s because we must. Porque é necessário. O mundo está ficando mais esperto. Porque queremos que seja assim.

Cloud Computing – um paradigma novo Desruptivo “Clouds vão transformar profundamente a industria de tecnologia da informação (TI)... E mudar a forma com que empresas e pessoas operam.” Prover recursos computacionais massivamente escaláveis em qualquer lugar Dynamic Infrastructure é a próxima geração de data centers Possibilitar inovação rápida de novos modelos de negócio Simplificar service delivery 2009 Cloud Computing Software as a Service 1990 As The Economist reported recently, clouds will transform the IT industry. It will impact how we live and how businesses operate profoundly Cloud computing provides: Massively scalable computing resources from anywhere Simplifies service delivery Rapid innovation Dynamic platform for next generation data centers Some say its grids or utility computing or software as a service but its all of those combined Grid Computing: Solving large problems with parallel computing Utility Computing: Offering computing resources as a metered service Software as a Service: Network-based subscriptions to applications Cloud Computing: Anytime, anywhere access to IT resources delivered dynamically as a service Utility Computing Grid Computing

“Renovar” ou “Inovar” para um planeta mais inteligente? Os modelos de consumo e entrega de Cloud nasceram da necessidade de manusear enormes quantidades de dados geradas por um mundo crescente e inteligente – que os Data Centers tradicionais não estavam preparados para suportar.

Cloud computing é um catalisador para essas mudanças Por que CXO estão interessados em cloud computing … Alinhamento estratégico Inovar para ganhar vantagem competitiva Mudança mais abrangentes, mais rápidas e incertas CEO Sistemas flexíveis, extensíveis, e adaptáveis Confiabilidades Adoção e empowerment do usuários Aumentar crescimento e lucratividade Governança, risco e conformidade Transparência, controle e visibilidade Cloud computing é um catalisador para essas mudanças CFO CIO A capacidade de adaptar o modelo de negócio para atingir novas expectativas e capturar novas fontes de renda, requer processos nucleares altamente flexíveis e uma infra-estrutura de TI mutável 6 6

O que é Cloud Computing? Gerência de serviços de TI compartilhados, sobre recursos altamente virtualizados, para atender a padrões de consumo Servidores virtualizados altamente escaláveis, armazenamento e infra-estrutura de rede, que é compartilhada por um mix de cargas de trabalho e comunidades de usuários Catálogos de serviços e melhores práticas de gestão de serviços separam os níveis de serviço e as definições de serviço do hardware (Isso permite que as equipes de TI e líderes empresariais possam focar em prioridades como requisitos de negócios e níveis de serviço.) Gestão de TI automatizada e orquestração para coordenar e otimizar os pedidos orientados a alocação de recursos com base em perfis de serviços, SLAs e prioridades de negócio Contabilidade de consumo/faturamento que permite a divisão do consumo de recursos para os serviços empresariais e recuperar os custos com base no uso.

TI Artesanal Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Hardware SO Middleware

Estratégias para melhora a situação Service Life-cycle management Service Life-cycle management Provisionamento Provisionamento Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Virtualização Virtualização

Cloud Computing Construindo seu Platform as a Service Virtualização É a tecnologia aplicada para viabilizar o conceito de cloud LdN LdN LdN LdN LdN Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Hardware SO Middleware Aplicação Service Life-cycle management em Cloud Provisionamento Virtualização

Ciclo de vida de um Serviço em Cloud 3 – Requisição feita 4 – Recurso fornecido Gerente de Entrega do Serviço 5 – Recursos em usos Assinatura & Ativação Produção Assinante Service Transition Administrador Oferta Service Operations 2 – Catalogo de serviços Ciclo de Vida do Serviço 6 – Devolução dos recursos Terminação Service Design Definição 1 – Projetar o serviço Assinante Operador de TI

Modelo de Entrega em Cloud Computing Modelo de Entrega Flexível Pública … Provedores de serviços são proprietários e gestores Acesso por assinatura Entrega um conjunto de processos de negócio, aplicações e/ou infra-estrutura padronizadas num modelo de custo por uso Privada … De propriedade e gerencia privada Acesso limitado a uma rede clientes e parceiros Promove eficiência, padronização e melhores práticas enquanto mantém mais customização e controle Serviços Cloud Modelo Cloud Computing Híbrida … Acesso à clientes, rede de parceiros e recursos de terceiros .…Padronização, preservação de investimento, flexibilidade e velocidade de implementação .… Customização, eficiência, disponibilidades, resiliência, segurança e privacidade ORGANIZAÇÃO CULTURA GOVERNANÇA ...fonte e valor de serviço 12

Modelos Consumo de Cloud Computing

= + + + + = = Cloud-onomics… CLOUD COMPUTING = Custo reduzido …. Aproveitar virtualização, padronização e automação para liberar orçamento operacional em novos investimentos VIRTUALIZAÇÃO + EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA PADRONIZAÇÃO AUTOMAÇÃO In today’s economy, many businesses are faced with the challenge of “taking cost out” of their infrastructure while continuing to deliver new , innovative business services - basically they need to “do more with less” There are two primary levers to achieve cost optimization – operating expense and capital expense, and for many businesses its not just a question of lowering costs its also important to strike the right balance between Op-ex and Cap-Ex On the horizontal axis, you have virtualization, or the ability to pool the IT resources to reduce capital expense of hardware, software and facilities. On the vertical axis, is standardization…with common software stacks , operational policies, and improved service management. The farther you can drive standardize the more you reduce operating expense – like labor and downtime – which is far and away the fastest growing piece of the IT spend. The more standardization you are able to achieve within your infrastructure, the greater the economies of your operating expenses become. Similarly, the more you leverage virtualization within your IT infrastructure, the greater the economies of your capital expenditures will be. So addressing both standardization and virtualization is key to reduce infrastructure costs, while still meeting the dynamic needs of the business. The need to achieving cost optimization has also provided fertile ground for Cloud Computing. The cloud paradigm is an attempt to improve service delivery by applying engineering discipline and economies of scale in an Internet inspired architecture. Cloud computing can be an important new option in helping businesses optimize the IT expense equation while maintaining fast, high quality service delivery. NOTE: If asked to discuss public vs. private clouds: - A private cloud drives efficiency, while retaining control and greater customization. - Public clouds today are for processes deemed more easily standardized and a lower security risk. There some functions that already exhibit a high degree of standardization, that are more easily moved to a public cloud – things like search, e-commerce, and discreet business processes like sales force management. + + + = = NEGÓCIO OTIMIZADO AGILIDADE NEGÓCIOS E TI ALINHADOS FLEXIBILIDADE DE SERVIÇOS PADRÕES DE INDÚSTRIA …permite que você aproveite novos investimentos para o benefício direto do negócio 14

EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA Cloud leva à economia real… = Custo reduzido VIRTUALIZAÇÃO + EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA PADRONIZAÇÃO AUTOMAÇÃO Redução de 83.8% nos custos anuais de operação, mão de obra e hardware IBM TAP: O Technology Adoption Program (TAP) é o novo modelo da IBM para gerenciar tecnologia que promove inovação para nossa transformação interna e crescimento In today’s economy, many businesses are faced with the challenge of “taking cost out” of their infrastructure while continuing to deliver new , innovative business services - basically they need to “do more with less” There are two primary levers to achieve cost optimization – operating expense and capital expense, and for many businesses its not just a question of lowering costs its also important to strike the right balance between Op-ex and Cap-Ex On the horizontal axis, you have virtualization, or the ability to pool the IT resources to reduce capital expense of hardware, software and facilities. On the vertical axis, is standardization…with common software stacks , operational policies, and improved service management. The farther you can drive standardize the more you reduce operating expense – like labor and downtime – which is far and away the fastest growing piece of the IT spend. The more standardization you are able to achieve within your infrastructure, the greater the economies of your operating expenses become. Similarly, the more you leverage virtualization within your IT infrastructure, the greater the economies of your capital expenditures will be. So addressing both standardization and virtualization is key to reduce infrastructure costs, while still meeting the dynamic needs of the business. The need to achieving cost optimization has also provided fertile ground for Cloud Computing. The cloud paradigm is an attempt to improve service delivery by applying engineering discipline and economies of scale in an Internet inspired architecture. Cloud computing can be an important new option in helping businesses optimize the IT expense equation while maintaining fast, high quality service delivery. NOTE: If asked to discuss public vs. private clouds: - A private cloud drives efficiency, while retaining control and greater customization. - Public clouds today are for processes deemed more easily standardized and a lower security risk. There some functions that already exhibit a high degree of standardization, that are more easily moved to a public cloud – things like search, e-commerce, and discreet business processes like sales force management. …. Aproveitar virtualização, padronização e automação para liberar orçamento operacional em novos investimentos 15

Transformação inteligente da IBM dá resultados Host data centers 155 7 Redes 31 1 Transformação de TI da IBM De 2002 a 2007, o investimento de TI da própria IBM trouxe um benefício de aproximadamente $4 Bi. Para cada dolar investido vimos um benefício acumulado de $4 Ganhos de eficiência nos Data Center Consolidação e virtualização – milhares de servidores hoje rodam em aproximadamente 30 mainframes IBM System z™ Virtualização adicional aproveitando System p, System x e storage Economia substancial sendo obtida em múltiplas dimensões: energia, gerência de software e sistemas e custos de suporte. Projeto Big Green This vision and strategy hasn’t just been learned at our customer sites. In fact, our own transformation is a success story in and of itself. And this mirrors the stages of adoption that we have talked about so far. IT Transformation and DC efficiencies achieved: We were plagued with the same issues as many of our largest customers – server sprawl, a multitude of systems and applications - being managed by over 125 different CIOs’! We needed to simplify our own IT environment, and we started over 10 years ago. The table shows how IBM has been able to demonstrate in the past decade and our achievement of improved business value and the achievement of reduced IT costs. We started on this initiative in 1997 and are well on our way to achieve significant accomplishments. . We have moved from more than 200 data and web hosting centers to 12. As we’ve consolidated and virtualized the workload, we’ve taken the additional strategic step to reduce the number of applications running on the servers by over two- thirds. There were significant benefits derived throughout IT. And IBM continues to build upon our success. As part of this journey, we have moved beyond just simplifying our environment to optimizing it and achieved significant data center efficiencies. In August 2007, IBM announced a major virtualization initiative to consolidate about 3900 servers to about 30 System z mainframes running the Linux operating system. The Enterprise Computing Model (ECM) program continues to move to a shared infrastructure that can scale rapidly without being limited by facilities or power and embraces a very integrated approach to service management. From 2002 through 2007, IBM's own IT investments delivered a cumulative benefit yield of approximately $4 billion. For every dollar invested, we saw a $4 cumulative benefit. We have already made significant progress with pooling our infrastructure to increase our responsiveness and resiliency while lowering our operating costs. For example, we are aggressively virtualizing onto pooled System z’s running Linux through ECM. In addition, all new Power System workload is being built directly onto virtualized platforms. About 2/3 of our SAN storage is virtualized, which means that it is managed by SAN Volume Controller as a pooled, shared service. By virtualizing our storage environment, rates dropped by 50% or more because of increased utilization, while improving performance and availability. We are also benefiting from energy management assessments and tools in our facilities to drive our understanding of energy uses and efficiencies and tuning configurations, features and placement to drive better performance and reduce energy use. In May of 2007, IBM also announced Project ‘Big Green’ with the commitment to reallocate $1B each year for green purposes. The ECM program is but one example of our green commitment, with its contributions to reducing energy and floor space both within IBM and for customers. This announcement included our stated goal of how we could double our IT capacity with no additional energy consumption. We have recently opened a green extension to our Boulder data center and are piloting energy management software in advanced data center facilities. We have a shared service delivery model to manage resources across business and technical criteria. We are driving higher levels of business resiliency through a multi-platform (Linux and AIX) multi-site vital application hosted environment for business and mission critical workloads using HACMP, GDPS and data mirroring. And the business case is compelling, not only internally but for clients as well. The lessons learned, insights and capabilities from our own journey are finding their way into what we share with our clients to help them achieve their own results. In keeping with the vision of Smarter Planet and a Dynamic Infrastructure, the real measure of our success when we are done will be the ability to ensure the QoS that our employees, partners and customers have come to expect, along with continued integration of information and business services. One key area where we are exploiting new technologies for our own innovation is in our Research Cloud. We are gaining experience with some initiatives where the technology and business readiness are aligned. For example, our Research Cloud is allowing IBM researchers secure test servers based on business requests…. And they can be provisioned in a matter of minutes vs. days or weeks. ( Consider pulling in the RC2 Cloud Demo if you are in a more detailed 1:1 session. It is loaded on the Dynamic Infrastructure W3 Portal.) O ambiente virtualizado ira usar 80% a menos de energia e 85% espaço Até 2010 teremos o dobro da capacidade existente, sem aumento do consumo ou impacto ambiental. Entrega de IT sobe demanda usando Cloud Self-service para 3000 pesquisadores da IBM em 8 países Integração em tempo real de informações e serviços do negócio 16

Construindo uma infra-estrutura dinâmica… Prove visibilidade, controle e automação para todos os ativos de TI e negócio a fim de entregar serviços de alto valor. Service Management Maximiza o valor de ativos críticos de TI e negócio ao longo de seu ciclo de vida com solução customizadas de gestão de ativos Asset Management Note to speaker: Each initiative button is hot linked and can take you to the 5-packs in the back for more information. Detailed information is provided on each of these initiatives. Based on your audience, you can select a key thought from each initiative below. The overall text is provided to give you enough background to customize your discussion on this chart. Initiatives to consider when creating a dynamic infrastructure: In IBM’s view, there are seven interrelated initiatives to evaluate and consider on the journey to a dynamic infrastructure: • Service Management: Siloed management capabilities inhibit the flow of information required to manage a dynamic infrastructure. Service management provides the visibility, control and automation that helps organizations manage across all business and IT assets to deliver higher value services. • Asset Management: Achieving the highest “return on assets” is a balancing act. Asset managers must optimize four major drivers: achieve highest reliability and lowest cost, within a compliance framework and with limited resource. For example, electric power utilities are moving to “smart meters” – devices that are part of an intelligent two-way communication network between customers on the grid and the central office. These new meters send readings every 15 minutes, allowing customers to control energy usage and enabling the power company to make smart business decisions with respect to newer power plant construction and the reduction of environmental impacts. • Virtualization: Consolidating resources through virtualization can increase utilization far beyond the inefficient 10-15% utilization often seen in data centers today. Advances in the technology, along with higher degrees of automation, offer more opportunities for consolidation than ever before. Getting to a highly virtualized and shared infrastructure provides a foundation for automated and rapid service delivery with the benefits of economies of scale. • Energy Efficiency: Optimizing the energy efficiency of the business and IT infrastructure can demonstrate the value in “green.” To meet the needs of the business, a holistic approach is required that encompasses energy management, virtualization, IT and data center facility services, and server and storage products that are designed to be green. • Business Resiliency: Maintaining continuous business operations while rapidly adapting and responding to risks and opportunities has elevated to the C-level suite the need to ensure a resilient and recoverable business environment. An infrastructure that has agility, is resilient to risks, allows the business to respond quickly to demands and meets compliance requirements, ensures not only that the business can continue operations, but helps the Business and IT infrastructure become more integrated and responsive to business needs. • Security: Globalization has required organizations to take an end-to-end, business-driven, approach to security, compliance and risk management in alignment with an IT governance framework. The vast interconnectivity of resources brings access and collaboration, but also opens additional risks and exposures to loss and theft. An integrated security strategy within a dynamic infrastructure can empower organizations to monitor and quantify security risks to better understand threats and vulnerabilities in terms of business impact, to better respond to security events with security controls that optimize business results, and to better quantify and prioritize their security investments. • Information Infrastructure: Today, information has become the lifeline for business sustainability, and firms of all size are searching for practical ways to manage and utilize their information. Without a cohesive information management strategy, organizations will find themselves facing higher IT operational costs and greater exposure to business risk. A dynamic infrastructure helps address the specific challenges of ensuring information availability, securing information, addressing compliance regulations, and efficiently retaining information throughout its lifecycle. Liderança em soluções de virtualização e consolidação quer reduzem custo, melhoram utilização de ativos e a velocidade do provisionamento de novos serviços. Virtualization Tratar desafios e oportunidades em energia, meio ambiente e sustentabilidade ao longo da infra-estrutura de TI e negócio. Energy Efficiency Manter operações continuas de negócio e TI concomitantemente à adaptação rápida e tratamento de riscos e oportunidades. Business Resiliency Soluções de industria fim a fim de governança, gerência de risco e conformidade. Security Tratar informação de negócios visando alcançar objetivos de conformidade, disponibilidade, retenção e segurança Information Infrastructure

Ofertas de Cloud da IBM Consulting Services / Delivery IBM Strategy and Change Services for Cloud Adoption IBM Strategy and Change Services for Cloud Providers IBM Testing Services for Cloud IBM Infrastructure Strategy & Planning for Cloud Computing IBM Resiliency Consulting Services IBM Vulnerability Management IBM Managed Email and Web Security Services / Delivery IBM Smart Business Test Cloud IBM LotusLive™ IBM LotusLive iNotes™ IBM Computing on Demand (CoD)™ Business Continuity and Resiliency Services (BCRS) BCRS Information Protection Services IBM Smart Analytics Cloud IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud IBM Smart Business End User Support - self enablement portal The above graphic depicts the deployment choices between Smart Business on the IBM Cloud, Smart Business Cloud and Smart Business Systems. It shows that the major differences between the three is that Smart Business Cloud has Analytics but not Collaboration like Smart Business on the IBM Cloud. Smart Business Systems does not have Analytics, Collaboration or Desktop and Devices. Smart Business on the IBM Cloud only lacks Analytics. All three have Development and Test, Infrastructure (compute/storage) and Business Services. Opções da IBM neste novo cenário de computação

Ofertas de Cloud da IBM Software Hardware / Appliancies IBM Tivoli Service Automation Manager IBM Maximo SLA Manager IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager IBM Tivoli Storage Manager IBM Tivoli Cloudburst IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center IBM Tivoli Identity and Access Assurance IBM Tivoli Data and Application Security IBM WebSphere Cloudburst IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment IBM Lotus Live Hardware / Appliancies IBM Workload Deployer IBM PureApplication Systems IBM Proventia Virtualized Network Security Platform IBM XIV Storage System IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller The above graphic depicts the deployment choices between Smart Business on the IBM Cloud, Smart Business Cloud and Smart Business Systems. It shows that the major differences between the three is that Smart Business Cloud has Analytics but not Collaboration like Smart Business on the IBM Cloud. Smart Business Systems does not have Analytics, Collaboration or Desktop and Devices. Smart Business on the IBM Cloud only lacks Analytics. All three have Development and Test, Infrastructure (compute/storage) and Business Services. Opções da IBM neste novo cenário de computação

Cloud para Desenvolvedores Desenvolver na cloud Ambientes de execução integrados, provisionados dinamicamente e escaláveis Repositórios para fontes e imagens re- utilizáveis Desenvolvedores, Arquitetos, Testadores Web Server App DB Instalar na cloud Provisionamento em um clique Deployment otimizado Plataforma de colaboração para troca de conhecimento Desenvolvedores, Usuários Beta, Operações, Gestores das aplicações, Unidades de Negócio Aplicação Nova Entregar serviço a partir cloud Transição transparente para ambiente de produção Acesso simples de qualquer lugar

Hybrid Cloud: Gerenciando múltiplas Clouds Cloud Privada Cloud Pública MPLS / VPLS Conexão Segura Servidores, Storage, Rede Servidores, Storage, Rede Provisionamento de máquinas virtuais Prover um visão única de gerência para nuvens públicas e privadas Provisionamento unificado de servidores, storage e rede Padrões abertos baseados em redes virtuais seguras estendendo para a cloud pública Isolamento adicional de trafego entre cargas Monitoração Console de Gerência IBM cloud computing

Segurança e Compliance ISS - IBM Internet Security Systems Com o poder do IBM Internet Security Systems (ISS), VSS entrega soluções de segurança preemptivas capazes de eliminar threads antes que elas prejudiquem os negócios. VSS utiliza métodos e melhores práticas. VSS tem a capacidade de endereçar o ciclo de vida completo de segurança incluindo firewall, VPN, break/fix, IP testing, pin testing, managed & professional services e mais. VSS é certificado ISS | tanto técnico quanto vendas VSS provê inteligencia integrada em segurança para descobrir novas threads mesmo antes de imergirem e montar estratégias de combate-las antes de se tornarem problemas reais. The above graphic depicts the deployment choices between Smart Business on the IBM Cloud, Smart Business Cloud and Smart Business Systems. It shows that the major differences between the three is that Smart Business Cloud has Analytics but not Collaboration like Smart Business on the IBM Cloud. Smart Business Systems does not have Analytics, Collaboration or Desktop and Devices. Smart Business on the IBM Cloud only lacks Analytics. All three have Development and Test, Infrastructure (compute/storage) and Business Services. Opções da IBM neste novo cenário de computação

IBM Cloud Labs: Missão e Clientes Capitanear a liderança da IBM em cloud computing e agir como motor de todas as atividades em cloud Den Haag Netherlands Dublin Ireland Beijing China Seoul S. Korea Tokyo Japan Doha Qatar Raleigh North Carolina Silicon Valley California Wuxi China The Cloud Computing Bangalore India Hanoi Vietnam São Paulo Brazil Johannesburg South Africa