O Contra Ataque da Xerox


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O Contra Ataque da Xerox Os Mercados Negro e Paralelo: Gray and Black Markets, Xerox fights back. O Contra Ataque da Xerox

O que são Os Mercados Negro e Paralelo? Mercado Paralelo Quando um produto Xerox é comprado em um País e vendido em outro por terceiros por preços mais baixos que o da Xerox Identificado por não possuir etiqueta e pelos baixos preços Confunde os clientes e diminui as margens de lucro e receita Mercado Negro Venda de produtos falsificados Xerox como originais Produtos roubados Produtos importados ilegalmente Diminui as margens de Lucro e de Receita tanto para Xerox como para o Governo Brasileiro Em geral causa insatisfação aos Clientes e arranha a imagem da Xerox What is the gray and black market? Gray market occurs when Xerox products are purchased in one country, but sold in another. For example, product can be purchased in the United States and resold in Brazil if the product pricing and exchange rates allow someone to make a profit doing so. This lowers Xerox profit margins and creates customer dissatisfaction. Black market refers to product that is either counterfeit, or stolen. Counterfeit product can cause print quality issues, equipment downtime, and increased service costs. Black market product reduces Xerox revenue and creates customer dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, many people are involved in gray and black market of Xerox supplies, including Xerox employees, contracts, authorized partners and distributors, as well as unauthorized resellers.

Fonte: Pesquisas internas Xerox Qual o Impacto na Xerox? Uma Estimativa Mundial Conservadora ... US$150M perdidos anualmente em Consumíveis altamente lucrativos No Brasil o impacto gira em torno de 25% deste valor, o que representa um forte impacto no que o Governo deixa de arrecadar. What is the impact to Xerox? Xerox conservatively estimates the revenue loss to gray and black market at 150 million US dollars annually. That is equivalent to several thousand Xerox jobs. The impact in Brazil is estimated to be in the millions. Recent data indicates that the 150 million can be described as 40% counterfeit related, 35% due to stolen products, and 25% gray market. In addition to revenue loss, gray and black market activity adversely affects customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and market share. 16 Arrecadação do Governo é comprometida; Diminuição na satisfação do cliente, na fidelidade do cliente. Fonte: Pesquisas internas Xerox .2

Vencendo a Luta contra os Mercados Negro e Paralelo Canada Europe United States Manufactured in Hong Kong Brasil Winning the war against gray and black market The following is a recent counterfeit investigation regarding toner cartridges for the Phaser 780 product family. The investigation began with customers experiencing severe supplies related issues around the globe. Analysis showed the cartridges were counterfeit. These cartridges were tracked back to distributors and ultimately the manufacturer in Hong Kong. When the five month investigation was completed, 9200 counterfeit cartridges worth $1.3 million dollars were confiscated. Xerox and our customers incurred over ½ million dollars worth of service costs, not including equipment downtime. The counterfeit manufacturer has been stopped and prosecution is pending. Australia Phaser Product Counterfeit Investigation 9200 cartuchos falsificados da Phaser apreendidos, valor $1.3M Cartuchos causavam problemas nas maquinas de Clientes, - $0.5M custo de serviço Insatisfação significativa dos Clientes Falsificador encontrado e Preso, Ação Judicial em andamento

Vencendo a Luta contra os Mercados Negro e Paralelo Investigação de empresas no Brasil Trabalho em conjunto com o Departamento Juridico da Xerox e Órgãos públicos(Policia/Receita e outros) Analises de Amostras de Material do mercado – Analise pode detectar falsificação Alguns dos produtos foram testados e considerados autênticos Empresas trabalham em ambos os mercados, negro e paralelo Counterfeit investigations are also occurring locally. Four unauthorized resellers are under investigation in Sao Paulo. Several product from these companies has been tested, some is counterfeit, while other is authentic. This indicates they are dealing in both gray and black market supplies. Currently, Xerox is working with law enforcement to resolve.

Todo produto Xerox importado pela Xerox ou fabricado Etiqueta de Segurança Todo produto Xerox importado pela Xerox ou fabricado no Brasil pela Xerox possui esta etiqueta. Our efforts are making a difference around the world In 2004, 60 million US dollars in annual revenue loss was halted. This is number is calculated when an investigation is completed. It can include the value of confiscated counterfeit product, the value of stolen product discovered, or gray market activity that is stopped due to pricing actions. Also in 2004, Xerox was awarded $600k in restitution and recovered $600k in stolen property. Customs and Excise intercepted 78 shipments worldwide, resulting in the seizure and destruction of 201 pallets of counterfeit Xerox supplies. Over the past two years, 86 employees have been terminated for their involvement in gray and black market activities and 70 arrests have been made. Se no mercado produtos estiverem sem esta etiqueta certamente foi importado por terceiros ou é oriundo de falsificação.

Etiqueta de Segurança 2 1 Our efforts are making a difference around the world In 2004, 60 million US dollars in annual revenue loss was halted. This is number is calculated when an investigation is completed. It can include the value of confiscated counterfeit product, the value of stolen product discovered, or gray market activity that is stopped due to pricing actions. Also in 2004, Xerox was awarded $600k in restitution and recovered $600k in stolen property. Customs and Excise intercepted 78 shipments worldwide, resulting in the seizure and destruction of 201 pallets of counterfeit Xerox supplies. Over the past two years, 86 employees have been terminated for their involvement in gray and black market activities and 70 arrests have been made.

Como a Xerox está Contra-Atacando? Pessoal Dedicado Segurança Corporativa Supplies Compliance Managers Grupos de Apoio Ferramentas de Investigação “TOP SECRET” – Etiquetas de Autenticidade nos produtos Xerox Colaborações Uma rede de informações Xerox em todas as afiliadas para identificar e resolver questões de mercado Investigações em Conjunto e troca de informações com nossos competidores Trabalho em Conjunto com a órgãos públicos How is Xerox Fighting Back? Xerox has developed a world wide strategy, and created a network of people around the globe, for defeating the gray & black markets. Key elements of this strategy include: Dedicated resources Process, Controls, and Inspection including: guidelines for product pricing and authorization required for exceptions, Security of valuable supplies inventory & Order process and quantity limits for toner inclusive contracts Xerox has made significant recent investments including Systems for monitoring orders, inventory and customer usage and market share. Xerox is also monitoring and investigating unauthorized reseller activity. Soon, some Xerox supplies will contain a security label for distinguishing genuine from counterfeit product. Fighting gray and black market requires a collaborative effort. Xerox frequently works with customs and law enforcement agencies. The company also shares knowledge and conducts joint investigations with our competitors. Every one of us can make a difference.

Selos Holograficos de Autenticação Produtos Xerox utilizam este selo holografico. Numeração Parte Que muda de cor • Não há dois selos iguais e com a mesma numeração. • Hologramas refletem cores quando manuseados. • Todos hologramas são numerados sequencialmente e podem ser rastreados até uma manufatura especifica. • Hologramas possuem códigos quem podem ser lidos se manipulados • Holograma possuem palavras que mudam de cor na parte ondulada inferior How is Xerox Fighting Back? Xerox has developed a world wide strategy, and created a network of people around the globe, for defeating the gray & black markets. Key elements of this strategy include: Dedicated resources Process, Controls, and Inspection including: guidelines for product pricing and authorization required for exceptions, Security of valuable supplies inventory & Order process and quantity limits for toner inclusive contracts Xerox has made significant recent investments including Systems for monitoring orders, inventory and customer usage and market share. Xerox is also monitoring and investigating unauthorized reseller activity. Soon, some Xerox supplies will contain a security label for distinguishing genuine from counterfeit product. Fighting gray and black market requires a collaborative effort. Xerox frequently works with customs and law enforcement agencies. The company also shares knowledge and conducts joint investigations with our competitors. Every one of us can make a difference.

O selo de Aunteticação visto por angluos Ingles/Frances Espanhol/Portugues How is Xerox Fighting Back? Xerox has developed a world wide strategy, and created a network of people around the globe, for defeating the gray & black markets. Key elements of this strategy include: Dedicated resources Process, Controls, and Inspection including: guidelines for product pricing and authorization required for exceptions, Security of valuable supplies inventory & Order process and quantity limits for toner inclusive contracts Xerox has made significant recent investments including Systems for monitoring orders, inventory and customer usage and market share. Xerox is also monitoring and investigating unauthorized reseller activity. Soon, some Xerox supplies will contain a security label for distinguishing genuine from counterfeit product. Fighting gray and black market requires a collaborative effort. Xerox frequently works with customs and law enforcement agencies. The company also shares knowledge and conducts joint investigations with our competitors. Every one of us can make a difference. Italiano Alemão

Diga não a Pirataria nos Pordutos de Consumo Produtos de consumo Piratas podem causar danos potenciais aos equipamentos. Produtos de consumo Piratas podem apresentar problemas de durabilidade e impressões fora do padrão de qualidade esperado. Cuidado com ofertas que parecem muito boas para serem verdade. O Brasil como país perde, por que os Piratas não pagam impostos. O produtos de consumo Pirata afetam a indústria de manufatura de equipamentos – MENOS EMPREGOS FORMAIS O dinheiro ganho com a Pirataria tem sido usado para financiar organizações criminosas e até mesmo organizações terroristas Counterfeit investigations are also occurring locally. Four unauthorized resellers are under investigation in Sao Paulo. Several product from these companies has been tested, some is counterfeit, while other is authentic. This indicates they are dealing in both gray and black market supplies. Currently, Xerox is working with law enforcement to resolve.

Todos nós podemos fazer a diferença! Contatos Perguntas e duvidas podem ser direcionadas á: James Brasil, Security Office Manager para XBRA 21 4009 1318 , james.brasil@xerox.com Todos nós podemos fazer a diferença! Denuncias de atividades ilegais devem ser encaminhadas para o Hotline da Xerox: 0800 979 10 99 Questions and concerns can be directed to the individuals on this page. Suspicion of illegal or unethical activity should always be referred to Xerox Corporate Security Office, at the number listed. Every one of us can made a difference.