Mickey Peters – “A Nova Duke Energy”


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Mickey Peters – “A Nova Duke Energy” 3/24/2017 Thank you for inviting me to come and speak to you [today, this evening.] [Say a few words about the group/organization you’re addressing] All of us at Duke Energy are excited about our company and the direction it’s heading. Today [tonight], will give you an update on what’s new -- at the new Duke Energy! In April, Duke Energy merged with Cinergy to create one of the largest energy companies in North America. Combined the best of both companies, to create a powerful new force in the energy industry. New name and logo on our buildings, company vehicles and employee uniforms, and on your monthly bill! But you can expect the same level of service, reliability and community involvement that you’ve known in the past. Most of our electric and gas utilities now share the name of Duke Energy. Why did we change the name? Simpler is better. Easier for our customers, communities, employees and investors to identify us as one company. Duke Energy is well-known in the Carolinas, throughout the United States and internationally. By using one name wherever we do business, we build on that good reputation. Our latest big development -- we are pursuing spinning off our natural gas businesses into a separate company. Will give both Duke Energy and the new gas company greater opportunities for growth, and allow each company to focus on their core business. The details and necessary approvals are being worked out, and we expect this to happen on January 1st, 2007. While these changes are exciting, many things have not changed at Duke Energy. Today [tonight], I’m going to give you an overview of what’s changed, what hasn’t, and what you can expect from us going forward. Mickey Peters – “A Nova Duke Energy” Presidente, Duke Energy Brasil VII Encontro dos Associados da APINE com seus convidados 30 de novembro de 2006

Duke Energy Corp. Entre as 10 maiores geradoras nos EUA 3/24/2017 Duke Energy Corp. Entre as 10 maiores geradoras nos EUA Entre as 500 empresas da revista Fortune (117º lugar) Ativos de mais de US$70 bilhões (2005) Mais de 5,6 milhões de clientes Entre as 5 maiores empresas de gasodutos e armazenamento Mais de 100 anos de serviço Ações comercializadas na NYSE desde 1961 Recente fusão com a Cinergy formou a maior concessionária de energia elétrica nos EUA 10 basic facts that you may not know about Duke Energy: We’re a Fortune 500 company. We ranked first on the 2005 Fortune list among U.S. gas and electric utilities, 117th overall. Our total assets in 2005 were more than $70 billion. We have more than 5.6 million customers 3.8 million electric (2.2 million in the Carolinas and 1.6 million in the Midwest) 1.8 million natural gas (1.3 million with Union Gas in Ontario, and 500,000 in the Midwest). When we merged with Cinergy, we became the largest electric utility in the United States, based on market capitalization. Other companies are pursuing similar mergers – No. 1 spot is a moving target. But we can expect to stay in the top few for the foreseeable future. Even before the merger, we were one of the top 10 generators of electricity in the U.S. Currently in the top five in North America for natural gas transportation and storage. Also a leader in natural gas gathering and processing, and the largest U.S. producer of natural gas liquids. For more than 150 years, Duke Energy has been serving its customers’ energy needs and having a positive impact on the communities it serves. (More on that later.) Since 1961, Duke’s common stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange -- before that, on the American Stock Exchange. Stockholders have received dividends on their DUK stock for 80 straight years.

US Franchised Electric & Gas (regulado) 3/24/2017 US Franchised Electric & Gas (regulado) 5 estados: Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul, Indiana, Ohio e Kentucky ~ 28,000 MW 3,8 milhões de clientes de energia elétrica 500,000 clientes de gás Here’s a map that shows the service areas of our electric utilities. We serve customers in parts of five states: North Carolina South Carolina Ohio Indiana Kentucky. Our corporate headquarters is in Charlotte, North Carolina. Our utilities are based in the regions they serve – with major offices in Plainfield, Indiana (just outside of Indianapolis) and in Cincinnati, Ohio, in addition to Charlotte.

Ativos na América Latina 3/24/2017 Ativos na América Latina Total : 4,556 MW MEXICO Campeche Mexico City DEI Guatemala (328 MW) Guatemala City * Excludes National Methanol investment Acajutla (324 MW) ECUADOR Electroquil (180 MW) PERU Here’s the bigger picture of the company’s assets across North America. The red lines are interstate natural gas pipelines. The orange ovals are gas storage facilities. The triangles are gas processing plants. The blue squares are propane terminals. And the black dots are merchant, or wholesale, generation plants. The yellow areas, of course, are our utility service areas. Internationally, our operations mostly include electric generation in Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina. Egenor (529 MW) Aguaytia (169 MW) BRAZIL Lima BOLIVIA Corani (144 MW) Paranapanema (2,307 MW) ARGENTINA Sao Paulo Buenos Aires Hidroelectrica Cerros Colorados (575 MW)

Duke Energy Brasil – rio Paranapanema 3/24/2017 Duke Energy Brasil – rio Paranapanema Canoas I 82.5 MW Rosana 372 MW Canoas II 72 MW Here’s the bigger picture of the company’s assets across North America. The red lines are interstate natural gas pipelines. The orange ovals are gas storage facilities. The triangles are gas processing plants. The blue squares are propane terminals. And the black dots are merchant, or wholesale, generation plants. The yellow areas, of course, are our utility service areas. Internationally, our operations mostly include electric generation in Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina. Taquaruçu 554 MW Salto Grande 74 MW Sao Paulo Capivara 640 MW Paraná Jurumirim 98 MW Chavantes 414 MW

Nova Duke Energy Mudanças na Duke Corp. (EUA) 3/24/2017 Nova Duke Energy Mudanças na Duke Corp. (EUA) Separação dos negócios de gás e energia (janeiro de 2007) Duke Energy – energia Spectra Energy – gás A área internacional da Duke Energy passará a representar 10% dos resultados da Duke Energy Corp. (Brasil=5%) Meta de crescimento de 4 a 6% por ano Histórico de sucesso operacional e credibilidade: Retorno adequado sobre investimento Índices de segurança Índices operacionais 10 basic facts that you may not know about Duke Energy: We’re a Fortune 500 company. We ranked first on the 2005 Fortune list among U.S. gas and electric utilities, 117th overall. Our total assets in 2005 were more than $70 billion. We have more than 5.6 million customers 3.8 million electric (2.2 million in the Carolinas and 1.6 million in the Midwest) 1.8 million natural gas (1.3 million with Union Gas in Ontario, and 500,000 in the Midwest). When we merged with Cinergy, we became the largest electric utility in the United States, based on market capitalization. Other companies are pursuing similar mergers – No. 1 spot is a moving target. But we can expect to stay in the top few for the foreseeable future. Even before the merger, we were one of the top 10 generators of electricity in the U.S. Currently in the top five in North America for natural gas transportation and storage. Also a leader in natural gas gathering and processing, and the largest U.S. producer of natural gas liquids. For more than 150 years, Duke Energy has been serving its customers’ energy needs and having a positive impact on the communities it serves. (More on that later.) Since 1961, Duke’s common stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange -- before that, on the American Stock Exchange. Stockholders have received dividends on their DUK stock for 80 straight years.

Nova fase de crescimento 3/24/2017 Nova fase de crescimento Identificação de Oportunidades Foco em geração de energia elétrica: risco e retorno adequados baixo impacto ambiental; custos previsíveis PCHs Projetos menores Menor risco ambiental Vantagens regulatórias Hidrelétricas de médio porte Plano Decenal 10 basic facts that you may not know about Duke Energy: We’re a Fortune 500 company. We ranked first on the 2005 Fortune list among U.S. gas and electric utilities, 117th overall. Our total assets in 2005 were more than $70 billion. We have more than 5.6 million customers 3.8 million electric (2.2 million in the Carolinas and 1.6 million in the Midwest) 1.8 million natural gas (1.3 million with Union Gas in Ontario, and 500,000 in the Midwest). When we merged with Cinergy, we became the largest electric utility in the United States, based on market capitalization. Other companies are pursuing similar mergers – No. 1 spot is a moving target. But we can expect to stay in the top few for the foreseeable future. Even before the merger, we were one of the top 10 generators of electricity in the U.S. Currently in the top five in North America for natural gas transportation and storage. Also a leader in natural gas gathering and processing, and the largest U.S. producer of natural gas liquids. For more than 150 years, Duke Energy has been serving its customers’ energy needs and having a positive impact on the communities it serves. (More on that later.) Since 1961, Duke’s common stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange -- before that, on the American Stock Exchange. Stockholders have received dividends on their DUK stock for 80 straight years.

Questões fundamentais para atrair investimento 3/24/2017 Questões fundamentais para atrair investimento Estabilidade e transparência do modelo Alocação adequada dos custos de transmissão, que devem ser incluídos no custo dos projetos Preços que permitam remuneração adequada Custos e prazos de licenciamento ambiental previsíveis Agência reguladora forte e independente 10 basic facts that you may not know about Duke Energy: We’re a Fortune 500 company. We ranked first on the 2005 Fortune list among U.S. gas and electric utilities, 117th overall. Our total assets in 2005 were more than $70 billion. We have more than 5.6 million customers 3.8 million electric (2.2 million in the Carolinas and 1.6 million in the Midwest) 1.8 million natural gas (1.3 million with Union Gas in Ontario, and 500,000 in the Midwest). When we merged with Cinergy, we became the largest electric utility in the United States, based on market capitalization. Other companies are pursuing similar mergers – No. 1 spot is a moving target. But we can expect to stay in the top few for the foreseeable future. Even before the merger, we were one of the top 10 generators of electricity in the U.S. Currently in the top five in North America for natural gas transportation and storage. Also a leader in natural gas gathering and processing, and the largest U.S. producer of natural gas liquids. For more than 150 years, Duke Energy has been serving its customers’ energy needs and having a positive impact on the communities it serves. (More on that later.) Since 1961, Duke’s common stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange -- before that, on the American Stock Exchange. Stockholders have received dividends on their DUK stock for 80 straight years.

Compromisso com empregados 3/24/2017 Compromisso com empregados Diversidade e inclusão Foco na saúde e segurança Bom clima organizacional ICO de 81% em 2006 Melhores Empresas para trabalhar We recognize that employees are the foundation of our company, and should share in the rewards of our success. We offer competitive pay and benefits – as well as a diverse and inclusive workplace, which recognizes the unique talents of our employees, and respects their differences. For example, Duke Energy helps employees develop their full potential by sponsoring employee interest groups such as a Business Women’s Network, a Leadership Development Network and a Minority Professional Association. And Cinergy was a leader in work-life balance – Working Mother magazine named it one of the 100 best companies for working mothers for nine consecutive years. As one company, we are building on those successes to make Duke Energy an even better place to work. But one of the best ways we show our concern for employees and communities alike is to ensure their safety. While we’ve always had a strong safety culture, we won’t be satisfied until our safety record is zero injuries. All Duke Energy employees and contractors are accountable for watching out for each other, and for our customers and neighbors.

Compromisso com clientes 3/24/2017 Compromisso com clientes Atender demanda crescente de energia elétrica Oferecer preços competitivos Fornecer serviços confiáveis Assegurar a satisfação de nossos clientes Meeting growing energy demand Energy demand continues to rise: In the five states where we provide electric service, we expect average annual demand growth of 1.5 %. We must add new capacity to meet our customers’ needs. In the Carolinas, we are looking at building a new state-of-the-art coal-fired plant and a combined oil and gas-fired plant. In Indiana, we are exploring building an “integrated gasification combined cycle” plant – or IGCC – which converts coal into gas, and provides lower air emissions and higher efficiency than a traditional pulverized coal plant. We are also exploring options for new nuclear generation. With the Southern Company, we are looking at possibly developing a new nuclear power plant in South Carolina. Meanwhile, we continue to focus on energy conservation and efficiency, and promote policies that encourage wise energy use. Keeping rates competitive Our retail electric rates remain below the national average. One reason we can keep prices lower is our fuel flexibility. We have a mix of coal, nuclear, natural gas and hydroelectric power, so we are not dependent on any one fuel. We’ve also committed to share with customers the savings we achieve through the Duke/Cinergy merger. Providing superior service Customers want reliable service, and that is something we constantly strive for. In the Carolinas, we’ve reduced outages by approximately 25 percent in the last 10 years. In Indiana, we’ve reduced outages by more than 21 percent over the past decade. And in Ohio, we have consistently exceeded the utilities commission’s standards for customer reliability. Customer surveys tell us how well we are doing. Business customers ranked Duke Energy highest in the U.S. for overall satisfaction, according to a 2006 J.D. Power and Associates study. Duke and Cinergy were the only two U.S. utilities to have their call centers certified by J.D. Power in 2005.

Compromisso com comunidades 3/24/2017 Compromisso com comunidades Voluntariado Apoio e parcerias ONGs regionais Universidades Prefeituras Beyond providing reliable electric service -- we work with local, regional and national partners to improve the quality of life in our service areas. Volunteering in our communities Our people are involved in virtually every major nonprofit organization in the areas we serve. During our annual Global Service Event, employees and retirees complete hundreds of volunteer projects. Providing financial support We support our communities financially, through our corporate foundation, primarily for education and training, health and human services, the environment and the arts. We also encourage employee giving through our Matching Gifts program, We conduct major campaigns for the United Way and other community organizations. We provide heating and cooling assistance program/s for low-income customers: [In the Carolinas: Share the Warmth, Cooling Assistance and Fan Heat Relief] [In Ohio: HeatShare] [In Indiana: Helping Hand] [In Kentucky: WinterCare] Fostering economic development We work with corporate and civic partners to retain and attract business and industry to our regions. We offer electric rate incentives to encourage companies to occupy vacant warehouses – and to locate in “brownfield” areas tagged for redevelopment. We also provide funding to economic development organizations and projects, and to community and technical colleges for work force training, so businesses can find the qualified workers they need.

Compromisso com o meio ambiente 3/24/2017 Compromisso com o meio ambiente Controle e monitoramento de impactos ambientais Educação ambiental Eficiência energética We also take our environmental commitment seriously at Duke Energy. We’re investing significant dollars – about $2.4 billion -- in pollution control equipment to reduce emissions with “scrubber” technology. Our goal is to have one of the cleanest coal fleets in the U.S. by 2010. Duke Energy also works to improve the environment in our local communities. We’ve played a major role in local projects like: Historic preservation in South Carolina Funding for low-income housing in Bloomington, Indiana Wetlands restoration in Texas An urban ecology program for students in Calgary, Alberta, Canada An environmental library on wheels in rural Sao Paulo, Brazil. [Or: substitute local projects] And we are preparing for a future that we believe will include the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. The company is in favor of a mandatory approach that Is market-based Involves all sectors of the economy Rewards the use of new technologies to help slow, stop and eventually reverse climate change.

Compromisso com sustentabilidade 3/24/2017 Compromisso com sustentabilidade Both Paul Anderson, our chairman, and Jim Rogers, our CEO, have been industry leaders in promoting public policies that are good for customers as well as investors, and the public at large. They join the best minds in the energy industry to take a leading role in shaping policies on global climate change, energy efficiency and other issues. Jim Rogers has held several leadership positions in the Edison Electric Institute, the national association for investor-owned electric companies. In fact, he is EEI’s 2006 chairman. He is also a leader in promoting energy efficiency and conservation – as a director of the Alliance to Save Energy and a co-chair of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency. Paul Anderson was recently appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Our leadership recognizes that Duke Energy has a broader responsibility to help shape the energy and environmental policies that will determine what kind of world we leave for our children and grandchildren, and their children. Which brings us back to our purpose at Duke Energy: To create value for our customers, communities, employees and investors, and to do that in a way that is sustainable in the long term. We believe that responsible actions on the social, economic and environmental fronts ultimately lead to lasting success. Liderança na promoção de políticas públicas Responsabilidade perante gerações futuras Ações responsáveis nos aspectos social, econômico e ambiental

Conclusões Foco para 2007 Continuar a apoiar associações do setor: 3/24/2017 Conclusões Foco para 2007 crescer no Brasil identificar PCHs e hidrelétricas de médio porte manter histórico de eficiência operacional e segurança Continuar a apoiar associações do setor: Implementar o modelo Atender a demanda crescente necessária para assegurar crescimento econômico do país 10 basic facts that you may not know about Duke Energy: We’re a Fortune 500 company. We ranked first on the 2005 Fortune list among U.S. gas and electric utilities, 117th overall. Our total assets in 2005 were more than $70 billion. We have more than 5.6 million customers 3.8 million electric (2.2 million in the Carolinas and 1.6 million in the Midwest) 1.8 million natural gas (1.3 million with Union Gas in Ontario, and 500,000 in the Midwest). When we merged with Cinergy, we became the largest electric utility in the United States, based on market capitalization. Other companies are pursuing similar mergers – No. 1 spot is a moving target. But we can expect to stay in the top few for the foreseeable future. Even before the merger, we were one of the top 10 generators of electricity in the U.S. Currently in the top five in North America for natural gas transportation and storage. Also a leader in natural gas gathering and processing, and the largest U.S. producer of natural gas liquids. For more than 150 years, Duke Energy has been serving its customers’ energy needs and having a positive impact on the communities it serves. (More on that later.) Since 1961, Duke’s common stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange -- before that, on the American Stock Exchange. Stockholders have received dividends on their DUK stock for 80 straight years.

www.duke-energy.com.br Obrigado Mickey Peters 3/24/2017 Please contact us using our Web site or pick up the telephone. Let us know any time you have a question or a concern. Now I’ll try to answer any questions you may have today. www.duke-energy.com.br Obrigado Mickey Peters