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COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES

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1 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
ERGONOMISTAS DE CAPACETE Treinamento em Ergonomia Para Trabalhadores da Construção Civil Um grupo de trabalho para trabalhadores e supervisores, que ajuda a identificar e a resolver problemas ergonômicos nos canteiros de obra. Informational Slide -- Introduce training * Introduce the Training Example: Hi. My name is _______ and this is my co-trainer ________. We’re from Local ___, and we’ve been trained as Hardhat Ergonomists. Today we’re going to do some activities with you about ergonomics and how it affects construction workers. * Pass Around the Registration Forms * Hand out Pocket References Tell participants that the Pocket References are theirs to keep. They can feel free to write notes in them if they want to. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 1 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

2 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Agenda de Treinamento & Objetivos Informational Slide -- Training Agenda * Read/Review the Agenda Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 2 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

3 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Introdução “A experiência é o melhor professor.” Se apresente para as pessoas de sua mesa. Some os anos de trabalho na construção civil de todas as pessoas da sua mesa. Informe o número total de anos trabalhados pela sua mesa para todo o grupo. Activity -- Introductions (1) Make sure class is in small groups (3-5) to do activities (2) Read Instructions on slide (3) Give Time Limit (1 minute) (4) Ask each group for total number of years (5) Write numbers on board/flip chart (6) Add up total number of years (7) Conclusions: Their experience means that they have the knowledge of how to make their jobs healthier. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 3 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

4 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Definindo Ergonomia O que você já escutou sobre ergonomia? Activity -- Group Brainstorm (Ice-breaker) (1) Ask: “What have you heard about ergonomics?” (2) Ask Follow-up Questions: Where have you heard it? What does it mean? (3) Co-Trainer writes answers on board/flipchart Get a few people to give answers. Not everybody has to answer. (4) Ask about the Motrin Ad: What is the picture showing us? What are they proposing as a solution? What alternative solutions would you suggest? (5) –- You have just done an Ergonomic Job Analysis –- Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 4 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

5 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Definindo Ergonomia Ergonomia é… A ciência e a arte de adequar o trabalho e o ambiente de trabalho às necessidades dos trabalhadores. Use seu cérebro, não suas costas. Trabalhe inteligentemente, não mais duro. Adapte o trabalho, não o trabalhador. Informational Slide -- Defining Ergonomics * Read Definition of Ergonomics Ergonomics refers to changing the job, not the worker. * Read Mottos of Ergonomics * Refer Participants to Pocket Reference This is a guide for them during this training and also on the job. Definition of ergonomics on page ____ Glossary of terms begins on page ____ * Extra Information: The word “ergonomics” is from Greek: “ergo” means “work,” and “nomics” means “laws pertaining to.” So ergonomics is “the laws pertaining to work.” (in the Pocket Reference, page ___.) Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 5 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

6 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo): Onde seu trabalho te machuca? Onde o seu corpo dói depois de trabalhar na construção o dia todo? Marque em seu MAPA DO CORPO os locais onde as pessoas de seu grupo sentem dor após o trabalho na construção. Activity -- Body Mapping (1) Introduce Activity: Purpose of this activity is to identify how our jobs affect our bodies. (2) Hand out Body Maps – 1 Map to each Group (3) Give Directions for Activity: Work together to mark the places on the body where each of you hurt after work. (4) Time Limit -- 2 minutes (5) Check on groups to see if they need help, have questions, etc When all groups are done, move on to the next slide Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 6 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

7 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo) Afixe o MAPA DO CORPO de seu grupo na parede. Compare os diferentes MAPAS DO CORPO. Quais as semelhanças entre os MAPAS DO CORPO? O que nos diz os MAPAS DO CORPO em relação ao trabalho na construção? Activity -- Body Mapping (continued) (6) Tape maps on wall when they are done. (7) Tell groups to look at all the maps. (8) Ask: “ What seems to be the same about the body maps?” Co-Trainer writes answers on flip-chart (9) Ask: “What do the body maps tell us about construction work?” * Extra Information: Symptoms of MSDs include pain, cramping, swelling, stiffness, weakness, numbness, tingling. Symptoms and signs of MSDs are listed in Pocket Reference on page ____ Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 7 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

8 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo): Um estudo feito pela universidade de Iowa, nos EUA, mostrou que trabalhadores da construção sentem dor! 70% referem dor na parte inferior da coluna 46% referem dor nos joelhos 43% referem dor nos pulsos e mãos 42% referem dor nos ombros e pescoço Informational Slide -- Iowa Study data * Read/Review Iowa Study Data Iowa Survey data shows us that most construction workers suffer from the same types of pains that you identified on your body maps. This data is in the Pocket Reference on page ____. * Extra Information This study is very special because few ergonomic studies look at construction work--most focus on assembly line work or computer users. This is because it is hard to study construction work--it is very complex work. (The University of Iowa Construction Survey, 1996) Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 8 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

9 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo) LESÃO POR ESFORÇO REPETITIVO ou LER Também chamada de: Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho (DORT). Informational Slide -- Musculoskeletal Disorders * Introduce Topic: The pain that you feel is often an indication of an ergonomic disorder * Read Slide: Ergonomic disorders are called Musculoskeletal Disorders, or MSDs. … * Extra Information: MSD is the language used by OSHA in it’s Ergonomic Standard. The standard was issued in November 2000, but was repealed by the Bush Administration in March 2001. OSHA’s Ergonomics Program Standard would NOT have covered construction workers, maritime workers, or agricultural worker, or office or support staff who work for those industries. And, it’s MSD’s not MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 9 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

10 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo) 3 Fatos relativos à LER 1) Ela afeta seu sistema músculo-esquelético – seus músculos, nervos, tendões, ligamentos, articulações, cartilagem e discos vertebrais. 2) Ela é cumulativa – acontece gradualmente, ao contrario de acidentes. 3) Ela é uma doença crônica – seus efeitos duram um longo tempo. Informational Slide -- Facts about MSDs * Read Slide: Here are 3 important facts about musculoskeletal disorders... * Give Definitions of “cumulative” AND “chronic” Cumulative = it develops gradually, over a long time, due to lots of small episodes or injuries Chronic = the effects last a long time, you don’t heal quickly, you can be left with a permanent disability (Ask for examples of cumulative and chronic from the class.) * Extra Information: The pain workers feel daily turns into MSDs gradually. First there’s discomfort, then pain, then the pain turns into symptoms, which leads to a diagnosed disorder, which can result in permanent disability. This progression is in the Pocket Reference on page ____. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 10 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

11 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo) Em seu grupo, tente lembrar todos os tipos de LER que vocês conhecem ou já tiveram, e façam uma lista. Escolham uma das formas de LER que seu grupo lembrou para discutir com o resto da classe. Conte como você conheceu ou adquiriu essa forma de LER. Activity -- What MSDs to we have? (1) Read directions from slide (2) Tell participants to look at list of MSDs on next slide, or in pocket reference (page _____) for ideas. (3) Tell participants that definitions of MSDs are in pocket reference (page ____) (4) Time Limit --5 minutes (5) Check in on groups. When all groups are ready to report back, go to next slide Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 11 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

12 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo) “Thoracic outlet syndrome” Tendinite do manguito rotador Síndrome do pescoço tenso Deslocamento do disco vertebral Dor Lombar Lesões de músculos e ligamentos Sciatica Enfermidade de DeQuervain Dedo em gatilho Síndrome do túnel do Carpo Activity -- What MSDs do we have? (continued) (5) Do Report Back from Activity Have each group tell about one MSD briefly. Report back should include: name of MSD or describe pain/symptoms what body part it affects how they got the disorder/symptoms (6) Co-Trainer should keep list of jobs/tasks people were doing when they got injured (You’ll use these in the EJA activity) Condromalacia Ruptura de menisco Inflamação da fascia plantar Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 12 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

13 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
LER (Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo) LER é a lesão de mais longa duração: Ela atinge mais a saúde dos trabalhadores da construção civil do que qualquer outro tipo de lesão. Os diferentes tipos de LER são as lesões mais caras: A LER causa um prejuízo financeiro maior que qualquer outro tipo de lesão na construção civil. Mais de 40% dos custos (nos EUA) com doenças relacionadas ao trabalho, na construção civil,é devido a LER. Informational Slide -- Impacts of MSDs * Read Slide * Ask: “What are your questions about what we’ve talked about so far?” Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 13 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

14 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
AET (Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho): De que forma seu trabalho te machuca? De que forma o trabalho pode ser modificado? Os FATORES DE RISCO da LER são: Força • Vibração Repetição • Extremos de Temperatura Má Postura • Stress Ocupacional Posturas Estáticas Introduce Topic -- Ergonomic Risk Factors Example: “In order to decide how to change a job so workers won’t get injured, we must first find out what it is about the job that causes these musculoskeletal disorders.” Activity -- Acting out Ergonomic Risk Factors (1) Define Risk Factors -- The aspects of construction jobs that cause MSDs are called risk factors. (2) Read list of risk factors for MSDs. (3) Ask Volunteers to Mime Jobs that they Do Ask the group to say which risk factors they see (Get a few different people to do this and try to include all risk factors.) Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 14 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

15 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
AET (Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho) Fazendo uma AET: 1°Passo Com seu grupo, escolha uma função ou atividade da construção que você acha que deve ser modificada. Complete a 1°Parte da AET na pagina 1 da apostila sobre AET: Rapidamente desenhe o trabalho – Inclua as ferramentas, os equipamentos e os trabalhadores. Introduce Topic -- Ergonomic Job Analysis Example: “For the rest of the training you’re going to practice using an analytical tool--called an Ergonomic Job Analysis or EJA. An EJA is how ergonomists figure out how to change a job or task so workers won’t get injured. Each group will do an EJA for a construction job or task that you are familiar with.” Activity -- Ergonomic Job Analysis Step 1 (1) Handout EJA Forms -- 1 to each group (2) Read Instructions on Slide (3) Time Limit -- 5 minutes (4) Check in with groups to answer their questions. When all groups have completed their drawing, move on to the next slide. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 15 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

16 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
AET (Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho) Fazendo uma AET: 2°Passo Vá à próxima página da apostila e trabalhe junto com seu grupo para completar a 2° parte – a listagem dos Fatores de Risco: Marque todos os fatores de risco ergonômico que fazem parte do trabalho. Activity -- EJA Step 2 (1) Read Instructions from slide. (2) Time Limit -- 3 minutes (3) Check in with each group to see if there are questions. When all groups have completed their checklist, move on to the next slide. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 16 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

17 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
AET (Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho) Fazendo uma AET: 3°Passo Vá à próxima página da apostila e trabalhe junto com seu grupo para completar a 3° parte – Identificando Soluções. Identifique formas de mudar a maneira que o trabalho é feito visando eliminar ou reduzir os fatores de risco. Activity -- EJA Step 3 (1) Read Instructions from slide. Each group should chose 1 risk factor to reduce or eliminate. Encourage groups to come up with changes that should be made--we’ll worry about how to get the changes made in the next activity. (2) Time Limit -- 5 minutes (3) Check in with each group to see if they have questions. When all groups have completed their changes, move on to the next slide. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 17 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

18 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
AET (Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho) Conclusão da AET Como você modificaria o trabalho analisado para eliminar ou reduzir os fatores de risco ergonômico? Activity -- EJA Report Back (1) Each group prepares a report back. Choose 1 person to do report back They should quickly tell us: the job that they analyzed the ergonomic risk factors for the job how they would change the job to eliminate a risk factor (2) Give groups a minute to prepare the report back. (3) Have each group do a report back. (4) Co-Trainer writes changes on flip-chart. (You’ll choose one of these changes in the “Best Arguments” activity.) Tell participants that there are 3 copies of the EJA with checklist in the pocket references to use on the job – they begin on page ____. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 18 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

19 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
“Melhores Argumentos”: Como fazer o redesenho ergonômico do trabalho acontecer na prática? A quem você irá mostrar sua AET visando a implantação das mudanças propostas? Introduce Topic -- How can we get these changes made on the job? Example: “Now you have identified changes that should be made, but how can we actually get these changes made on the job? The first step in doing this is talking to the person in power.” Activity -- Group brainstorm (1) Ask “Who will you show your EJA to in order to get the changes made?” (2) Co-Trainer lists ideas on the board/flip-chart. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 19 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

20 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
“Melhores Argumentos” Vá ate o canto da sala onde se encontra a pessoa com quem você terá de falar para implantar as mudanças ergonômicas em seu trabalho. O que você diria para convencer esta pessoa a realizar as mudanças ergonômicas? Activity -- Best Arguments (1) Choose 3-4 most popular answers from previous question. (2) Assign 1 title/role to each corner of the room. (3) Give instructions to go to the corner that represents who you would talk to. (4) In corner, group brainstorms arguments to convince person to make the changes. (Somebody in the group should write the ideas down.) (5) Time Limit --5 minutes When groups are running out of steam, move on to the next slide. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 20 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

21 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
“Melhores Argumentos”: Quais são os “melhores argumentos” para tornar realidade as mudanças ergonômicas nos trabalhos da construção civil? Activity -- Best Arguments (continued) (6) Bring everybody back together. (7) Ask each group to give their best argument. Co-Trainer writes these on board/flip-chart. (8) At end of activity, tell participants that there are 3 EJA forms in the pocket reference for them to use on the job -- begins on page ____. Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 21 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

22 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Avaliação do Treinamento O que você gostou neste treinamento? Quais sugestões de mudança você propõe? Introduce Topic -- Evaluation * Thank group for participating and sharing their thoughts and idea. * Explain that you will use their feedback to help make this training better for the next class. Activity -- Evaluation (1) Ask “What did you like about this workshop?” Co-Trainer writes answers on board/flip-chart. (2) Ask “What suggestions do you have for changes?” Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 22 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

23 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Agradecimentos Este programa de treinamento foi desenvolvido conjuntamente por: Programa de Saúde Ocupacional na Construção Civil Department of Work Environment University of Massachusetts Lowell One University Ave., Lowell, MA – USA Phone: Fax: INFORMATIONAL SLIDE -- Sponsoring Organizations This training program was developed jointly by the COHP and CSA. Labor-Management Construction Safety Alliance 256 Freeport St., Boston, MA Phone: Fax: Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 23 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

24 COHP Hardhat Ergonomics 2-Hour TRAINER'S NOTES
Agradecimentos Este Programa foi financiado por bolsas do: Center to Protect Workers’ Rights (CPWR) Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund Nós agradecemos ao Hunter College Center for Occupational and Environmental Health pela permissão da reprodução do gráfico do slide 13, originalmente pertencente a “Working Without Pain”. Este gráfico foi originalmente concebido por Richard Sheinaus da Gotham Design. Informational Slide -- Funding sources and credits This training program has been funded by grants from the CPWR and the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund, and by your union local. ©2000 Construction Occupational Health Program, UMass Lowell Hardhat Ergonomics-PowerPoint Presentation 1.2 (November 2000) Slide 24 COHP/ER2h-HHE v

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