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Apresentação em tema: "Oferece: MÉTODO IRLEN: UMA ESPERANÇA PARA PESSOAS COM DIFICULDADES."— Transcrição da apresentação:


2 Obrigada ao SINEPE-SC pela confiança
Obrigada ao SINEPE-SC pela confiança! Obrigada a vocês, por atenderem o chamado! ou (31)

X TRANSTORNO DE APRENDIZAGEM Resposta inibitória em tarefas que exigem habilidade de leitura e memória de trabalho. Déficit em todas as medidas da habilidade de linguagem: fala, leitura e escrita.

X TRANSTORNO DE APRENDIZAGEM Disfunção frontal (Falha na entrada do estímulo; falha na atenção seletiva; impulsividade; dificuldade visuomotora. Disfunção parietal (Falha na resposta ao estímulo; falha no processamento; falha na atenção sustentada; lentidão na leitura.)

É o mesmo que DIFICULDADE ESCOLAR. O problema NÃO é orgânico… É PEDAGÓGICO!

6 – com tais problemas não diagnosticados –
É comum que alunos – com tais problemas não diagnosticados – se tornem: retraídos agressivos indisciplinados (Como ‘desculpa’ para seu fracasso.)

 30-60% dos alunos têm comprometimento acadêmico SEM ter dificuldade de aprendizagem.  Somente 10% das crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem atingem escolaridade média.

8  Freqüência significativamente mais alta de atropelamentos, queimaduras, quedas, intoxicações acidentais, desemprego e divórcio.  Risco de abuso de álcool de 3 a 6 vezes maior do que para quem não tem dificuldades.  Até 60% a mais de casos de drogadição na adolescência.

9 80% das pessoas com problemas de aprendizagem são disléxicos.
10% da população mundial tem alguma forma de dislexia. 4% têm dislexia severa. (No Reino Unido = alunos.) Here are some interesting facts and statistics we found on Dyslexia 10% of the population have some form of dyslexia. 4% are severely dyslexic including some 375,000 school children. 25 million Americans (1 in 10) are functionally illiterate. 80% of people with learning disabilities have dyslexia. Dyslexia occurs 3.5 times more often in males that females. Over 50% of NASA employees are dyslexic. They are deliberately sought after because they have superb problem solving skills and excellent 3D and spatial awareness.

10  46% das crianças diagnosticadas com ansiedade ficam doentes por, pelo meno 8 anos! (Ex. A duração da Educação Fundamental...)  65-85% dos presos na América do Norte e na Europa têm dislexia ou TDAH.


12 TDAH: No começo é assim… Mas se não for identificado e cuidado…
KEWLET, Geoff. Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, Reconhecimento, Realidade e Resolução. USA: LAC Press, Traduzido e eeproduzido com permissão de SNYDER, Marlene.

13 DISLEXIA DIS = distúrbio, dificuldade LEXIA = (no latim) leitura; (no grego) linguagem.

14 “bislexia afet gemte di bifferentez nodos
“bislexia afet gemte di bifferentez nodos. o jeito de seu ceredro processarr informacão pobe tornar bifíciu para eles intergretarem o text as imagens e os soms. As bificuldabes são evidenciadas quanbo as crianças estãm sendo alfadetizadas. A persistência destas qersistence of these bificuldabes, gue não coincidem com otras áreas indica provável bislexia.” Tease the person that is reading. Tell them “I thought you said that you can read. What is your problem. What an idiot” This is what happens to children that have dyslexia. When they are reading they may reverse the letters. When they read outloud, what they are saying does not make sense. They get made fun of by peers and become embarrassed and not want to read again out loud or even act out in class so that they will not have to read. Click for next slide.

15 Só que aprendem de forma diferente…
Disléxicos APRENDEM! Só que aprendem de forma diferente… Logo, precisam de ensino de modo diferente… Click for next slide.

16 Por exemplo… Mais de 50% dos empregados da NASA-USA são disléxicos! Motivo: têm altas habilidades para a solução de problemas e excelente consciência espacial e de 3D Here are some interesting facts and statistics we found on Dyslexia 10% of the population have some form of dyslexia. 4% are severely dyslexic including some 375,000 school children. 25 million Americans (1 in 10) are functionally illiterate. 80% of people with learning disabilities have dyslexia. Dyslexia occurs 3.5 times more often in males that females. Over 50% of NASA employees are dyslexic. They are deliberately sought after because they have superb problem solving skills and excellent 3D and spatial awareness.

17 nem os alto do custo psicossocial dos problemas com aprendizagem!
Mas nem todos as áreas têm conhecimento ou a sensibilidade para perceberem POTENCIAIS… Nem os das possíveis habilidades nem os alto do custo psicossocial dos problemas com aprendizagem!

Imagem espelhada Substituição de palavras e letras Foco como um telescópio Sombreados Sensibilidade Escotópica / Perceptual Mirror or Reversals- Reversal is the confusion of one letter or word with another such as d/b, p/q. This reversal of letters, sometimes known as backwards or mirror writing is very common in the early stages of writing development among non-dyslexic and dyslexic children alike. In people with dyslexia this confusion may remain. This confusion can be problematic when using a word processor spell checking function. The machine is unable to produce a list of alternatives due to letter reversal in addition to mis-spelling. Scotopic Sensitivity- also known as Irlen Syndrome is a visual perceptual problem. The problems lies in how the visual information is decoded, it is not a medical eye condition. People with Scotopic Sensitivity 'see' the printed page differently to others and may even be unaware of this. This can lead to slow and inefficient reading, poor comprehension, fatigue and limited attention span. Many people with Scotopic Sensitivity report that the text on the page appears to dither, making reading difficult. Educational Psychologist Helen Irlen observed in 1980 that coloured overlays helped students with Scotopic Sensitivity to read with greater ease. Shadow-Some people who have dyslexic tendencies report that when reading text there appears to be a shadow on the text. This may be related to Scotopic Sensitivity difficulties. It may also have a link with the brightness of modern white paper. Room lighting, paper colour, text colour and fatigue are all factors which affect the intensity of the shadow. People seeing a shadow on text are at a disadvantage when reading due to the distraction that this causes. This may have a dramatic effect on reading rates that will fluctuate depending on conditions. Telescoping- relating to dyslexia, is a term used to describe words that have been written with sections missing; an example is 'rember' for 'remember'. The words are not always shortened - additional sections can be added; an example is 'beginining' for 'beginning'. It is also common for the ends of words to be missed off completely; an example is 'complet' for 'completely'. This difficulty makes written work produced difficult to understand when read back at a later time. Notes taken in class could be useless as a revision aid or may even be just wrong. Exams where written answers are required would present difficulties. Word Substitution- People with dyslexia can have difficulty due to homophone confusion; an example is using 'there' for 'their' or 'grate' for 'great'. Phonic alternatives may also be a source of difficulty; an example is 'lite' for 'light' or 'ove' for 'of'. Confusion may be experienced in selecting a word from a 'family' of words; an example is 'this, that and the' may be used in place of each other. The substituting of words may not be consistent even within one piece of work. In the simulation below the confusion experienced in selecting words from a word family has been simulated. Click for next slide.


20 Não é o tipo ”standard“ de dislexia. Óptico X Perceptual :
1. O QUE É ? Não é o tipo ”standard“ de dislexia. Óptico X Perceptual : A vítima pode ter uma visão 20/20, mas sofrer de dislexia de percepção. Não é um problema óptico = de visão. Baseada na sensibilidade às freqüências das ondas de luz. Perceptual dyslexia is not dyslexia as it is commonly understood by most special educators. Standard dyslexia is believed to be based on the inability to make the connection between sounds and letters. Perceptual dyslexia, on the other hand, finds its origins in an individual’s sensitivity to specific light frequencies. This sensitivity causes the person to see things differently because of the way the brain interprets the visual information being sent through the eyes. But the eyes are not the main source of these eye problems. A person can have 20/20 vision and still have perceptual dyslexia.

Nós não enxergamos os objetos propriamente ditos. O que vemos é apenas a luz emitida por um determinado objeto. Se não houver uma fonte de luz, nada enxergamos. In the 1980s, visual physiologists developed the receptor field theory of color vision. This theory hypothesizes that the cones of the eye are organized into eight sets of concentric, counterbalancing fields. Cones, of course, help us distinguish things clearly and distinctly. Because they contain photopigments that are sensitive to red, green and blue light wavelengths, we are able to see color.

1. A luz passa através da pupila e é focalizada na retina pela lente. 2. A retina contém um grande número de foto receptores sensíveis a luz: cones (diurna) e bastonetes (noturna). 3. Os foto receptores tranformam a energia eletromagnética (luz) em energia neural formando a imagem. 4. A percepção de cor está relacionada com a composição do comprimento de onda da luz que atinge os olhos.

23 Perceptual dyslexia is not dyslexia as it is commonly understood by most special educators. Standard dyslexia is believed to be based on the inability to make the connection between sounds and letters. Perceptual dyslexia, on the other hand, finds its origins in an individual’s sensitivity to specific light frequencies. This sensitivity causes the person to see things differently because of the way the brain interprets the visual information being sent through the eyes. But the eyes are not the main source of these eye problems. A person can have 20/20 vision and still have perceptual dyslexia.

É um distúrbio vísuo-perceptual. Afeta atividades de leitura e escrita. Interfere em outras atividades da vida. —is a visual-perceptual disorder affecting reading- and writing based activities such as: Reading Math Writing Copying Spelling Reading music And other activities such as: Computer work 3. Sports performance Driving Comfort under fluorescents Although it’s been known about since the early 1980s and is recognized in many other countries around the world, Irlen Syndrome is still controversial in the United States, with some refusing to even acknowledge its existence. Too many people are aware of the problem, however, to ignore it, and in some U.S. jurisdictions it has become recognized as a specific learning disability. Cerca de 46-50% dos indivíduos com problemas de desempenho ou comportamento escolar sofrem de Síndrome de Irlen (ou Dislexia Perceptual).

25 Problema com materiais de superfície brilhante ou de contraste forte
2. SINTOMAS GERAIS: Sensibilidade à luz Problema com materiais de superfície brilhante ou de contraste forte Leitura ineficiente Ritmo lento de leitura Déficit atencional Fadiga ou stress causado pelo esforço atenção Baixa percepção de profundidade Some of the symptoms of perceptual dyslexia include: Being bothered by glare, sunlight, or headlights. Discomfort or difficulty working under bright or fluorescent lights. Inability to read when material is on white paper or background. Gloss or high-contrast background competes with the black print, making letters and numbers less readable. Difficulty reading print, numbers, or musical notes. Print may shift, shake, blur, move, run together, become difficult to perceive, even disappear. Inability to read groups of letters, numbers, or words at the same time. Problems tracking, slow reading rate, inability to skim or speed read. Problems concentrating while reading, writing, or working on the computer. Difficulty staying on task, becoming fidgety or tired. Feeling strain, tension, tired, sleepy, or getting headaches while reading or performing other perceptual tasks. Problems judging distance and spatial relationships accurately.

Por volta de 46-50% dos que apresentam dificuldades escolares ou problemas de leitura e compreensão. Cerca de 33% de quem tem TDAH, dislexia ou problemas de comportamento. Em torno de 12-14% da população em geral. An estimated 46-50% of those with reading problems or learning disabilities are victims of perceptual dyslexia, As are an estimated 33% of those who have standard dyslexia, ADD/HD, or other behavioral problems. Moreover, an estimated 12-14% of general population is afflicted with perceptual dyslexia. Interestingly, the vast majority of those affected don’t even know they’re affected. They suffer in silence because they think everyone sees things the same way they do, and/or they’ve adapted as they’ve grown up to try to accommodate for the disturbances in what they see. The military, of course, incorporates all these populations. And eliminating the problems they might encounter with respect to perceptual dyslexia on an everyday basis would certainly be beneficial, especially in the training and education arena, where reading and writing are such important elements.

These are some of the various ways the perceptual dyslexic might see a page of text. EMBAÇADO...

28 Com um HALO em volta das letras...

29 Com espaços que parecem RIOS...

30 Movimentando-se para o ALTO e para BAIXO...




34 Com BORRÕES: (Exemplo de Irlen Syndrome com a Dislexia ‘comum’.)

NA ESCRITA, HÁ SOBREPOSIÇÃO DE PALAVRAS: And the alternate lines are how one’s writing might appear due to perceptual dyslexia.

36 Aconteceu por acaso! COMO A FOI DESCOBERTA?
Um aluno colocou uma transparência vermelha sobre uma página e comentou que as letras ficavam “quietas”. This phenomenon was discovered after some 3 years of research by Helen Irlen, an adult literacy instructor at California State University, Long Beach, identified that many of the problems her student readers seemed to have appeared after they had been actively reading for a while. One day, one of Irlen’s students discovered that when she placed a red overlay—left over from previous eye-dominance exercises—on the page, she was reading, the sensation of movement that she had always experienced stopped! For the first time, she could actually read without having the words constantly sway back and forth!

37 Mas vermelho não funcionava + 3 anos de intensas pesquisas.
para todas as pessoas = + 3 anos de intensas pesquisas. 31 indivíduos em uma sala de 37 alunos e outros 58 em um grupo de pacientes em consultório foram favorecidos pelos filtros coloridos. Certas cores eram melhores (ou piores) para cada indivíduo. But the red didn’t work for everybody. It made no difference to the rest of the students. So, Irlen tried other colors and found that the majority of those who tried the colored overlays were helped. Each person who was helped responded to one specific color. Once that color was determined and used by the individual, they were able to read better and longer. Irlen didn’t know WHY the overlays worked, just that they DID.

38 Observem a diferença na simulação a seguir...

39 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social.

40 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. THE MILITARY SERVICES HAVE TRADITIONALLY BEEN LEADERS IN EVALUATING THEIR PERSONNEL FOR PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES TO PLACE THEM IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEIR UNIQUE PERSONAL TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES CAN BE USED. USING THIS SCREENING PROCEDURE WILL PROVIDE A NEW AVENUE FOR SELECTION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR PLACEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR NATURAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES CAN BE PUT TO OPTIMUM USE, WHILE AVOIDING ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO THOSE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR VISUAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WOULD CAUSE THEM TO INHERENTLY PERFORM BADLY, THEREBY PUTTING THE MISSION, SERVICE ASSETS, AND/OR OTHER PERSONNEL AT RISK. (Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome in a Single Individual (A Case Study): Executive Summary, (NAWCWPNS TS97-14), James Haynes Irvine, Planning & Management Department, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, & Elaine Welt Irvine, Ridgecrest, CA, April 1997)

41 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. THE MILITARY SERVICES HAVE TRADITIONALLY BEEN LEADERS IN EVALUATING THEIR PERSONNEL FOR PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES TO PLACE THEM IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEIR UNIQUE PERSONAL TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES CAN BE USED. USING THIS SCREENING PROCEDURE WILL PROVIDE A NEW AVENUE FOR SELECTION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR PLACEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR NATURAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES CAN BE PUT TO OPTIMUM USE, WHILE AVOIDING ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO THOSE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR VISUAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WOULD CAUSE THEM TO INHERENTLY PERFORM BADLY, THEREBY PUTTING THE MISSION, SERVICE ASSETS, AND/OR OTHER PERSONNEL AT RISK.

42 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. THE MILITARY SERVICES HAVE TRADITIONALLY BEEN LEADERS IN EVALUATING THEIR PERSONNEL FOR PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES TO PLACE THEM IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEIR UNIQUE PERSONAL TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES CAN BE USED. USING THIS SCREENING PROCEDURE WILL PROVIDE A NEW AVENUE FOR SELECTION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR PLACEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR NATURAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES CAN BE PUT TO OPTIMUM USE, WHILE AVOIDING ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO THOSE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR VISUAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WOULD CAUSE THEM TO INHERENTLY PERFORM BADLY, THEREBY PUTTING THE MISSION, SERVICE ASSETS, AND/OR OTHER PERSONNEL AT RISK.

43 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. MORE AND MORE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IS POINTING TO THE VALIDITY OF THE CONCEPT OF THIS VISUO-PERCEPTUAL DYSFUNCTION. SPECIFIC DEFICITS IN THE PROCESSING OR TRANSIENT VISUAL STIMULI HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED IN THE READING DISABLED, AND A GOOD PORTION OF THESE INDIVIDUALS HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE ASSISTED BY COLORED OVERLAYS OR FILTERS. AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND AROUND THE WORLD ARE RECOGNIZING PERCEPTUAL DYSLEXIA AND THE EFFICACY OF COLOR THERAPY TO AMELIORATE IT.

44 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. THE MILITARY SERVICES HAVE TRADITIONALLY BEEN LEADERS IN EVALUATING THEIR PERSONNEL FOR PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES TO PLACE THEM IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEIR UNIQUE PERSONAL TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES CAN BE USED. USING THIS SCREENING PROCEDURE WILL PROVIDE A NEW AVENUE FOR SELECTION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR PLACEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR NATURAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES CAN BE PUT TO OPTIMUM USE, WHILE AVOIDING ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO THOSE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR VISUAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WOULD CAUSE THEM TO INHERENTLY PERFORM BADLY, THEREBY PUTTING THE MISSION, SERVICE ASSETS, AND/OR OTHER PERSONNEL AT RISK.

45 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. THE MILITARY SERVICES HAVE TRADITIONALLY BEEN LEADERS IN EVALUATING THEIR PERSONNEL FOR PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES TO PLACE THEM IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEIR UNIQUE PERSONAL TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES CAN BE USED. USING THIS SCREENING PROCEDURE WILL PROVIDE A NEW AVENUE FOR SELECTION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR PLACEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR NATURAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES CAN BE PUT TO OPTIMUM USE, WHILE AVOIDING ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO THOSE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR VISUAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WOULD CAUSE THEM TO INHERENTLY PERFORM BADLY, THEREBY PUTTING THE MISSION, SERVICE ASSETS, AND/OR OTHER PERSONNEL AT RISK. (Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome in a Single Individual (A Case Study): Executive Summary, (NAWCWPNS TS97-14), James Haynes Irvine, Planning & Management Department, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, & Elaine Welt Irvine, Ridgecrest, CA, April 1997)

46 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. MORE AND MORE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IS POINTING TO THE VALIDITY OF THE CONCEPT OF THIS VISUO-PERCEPTUAL DYSFUNCTION. SPECIFIC DEFICITS IN THE PROCESSING OR TRANSIENT VISUAL STIMULI HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED IN THE READING DISABLED, AND A GOOD PORTION OF THESE INDIVIDUALS HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE ASSISTED BY COLORED OVERLAYS OR FILTERS. AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND AROUND THE WORLD ARE RECOGNIZING SSS AND THE EFFICACY OF COLOR THERAPY TO AMELIORATE IT.

47 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. MORE AND MORE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IS POINTING TO THE VALIDITY OF THE CONCEPT OF THIS VISUO-PERCEPTUAL DYSFUNCTION. SPECIFIC DEFICITS IN THE PROCESSING OR TRANSIENT VISUAL STIMULI HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED IN THE READING DISABLED, AND A GOOD PORTION OF THESE INDIVIDUALS HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE ASSISTED BY COLORED OVERLAYS OR FILTERS. AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND AROUND THE WORLD ARE RECOGNIZING SSS AND THE EFFICACY OF COLOR THERAPY TO AMELIORATE IT.

48 Estudos indicam que é necessário estimular as áreas do cérebro para auxiliar os neurônios a desenvolverem novas conexões. Educar as crianças desde a mais tenra idade em um ambiente enriquecedor (estimulando a linguagem falada, cantada, escrita, criando um clima estruturado com afetividade e diversificando positivamente as sensações, com a presença de cor, de música, de interações sociais e de jogos, para o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades cognitivas e memórias futuras) favorecem o processo de aprendizagem e a inclusão social. THE MILITARY SERVICES HAVE TRADITIONALLY BEEN LEADERS IN EVALUATING THEIR PERSONNEL FOR PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES TO PLACE THEM IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEIR UNIQUE PERSONAL TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES CAN BE USED. USING THIS SCREENING PROCEDURE WILL PROVIDE A NEW AVENUE FOR SELECTION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR PLACEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR NATURAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES CAN BE PUT TO OPTIMUM USE, WHILE AVOIDING ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO THOSE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEIR VISUAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WOULD CAUSE THEM TO INHERENTLY PERFORM BADLY, THEREBY PUTTING THE MISSION, SERVICE ASSETS, AND/OR OTHER PERSONNEL AT RISK.

So what causes this condition?

50 Cerca de 100 milhões de células fotossensíveis.
RETINA: Cerca de 100 milhões de células fotossensíveis. Dois tipos de células para captação de luz visível: CONES - Detecção de cores (comprimento de onda) BASTONETES - Grau de luminosidade (freqüência de onda).

(Anos 80.) Todos os receptores transmitem seus sinais para o centro de processamento visual do cérebro e formam uma unidade. Mas… E se não funcionar assim?... In the 1980s, visual physiologists developed the receptor field theory of color vision. This theory hypothesizes that the cones of the eye are organized into eight sets of concentric, counterbalancing fields. Cones, of course, help us distinguish things clearly and distinctly. Because they contain photopigments that are sensitive to red, green and blue light wavelengths, we are able to see color.

52 Em alguns disléxicos perceptuais foi observado que:
Os campos receptores NÃO formaram uma unidade; Um campo receptor se tornava dominante em certas condições de espectro de luz; O sistema de controle visual foi radicalmente alterado. The Navy’s experiment showed that for certain perceptual dyslexics the receptor fields do NOT sum to unity, so the image sent to the brain is not crisp and clear. One of the subject’s eight receptor fields IS dominant (instead of all fields being equal). And that when this happens the subject’s visual control system alters radically, so the subject does not see the image properly. This finding represented a new discovery, not previously reported in the literature, in the areas of human visual physiology generally and dyslexic visual physiology specifically.

53 ACHADOS INESPERADOS: 5-6% da população “normal” testada apresentou uma disfunção do mesmo tipo da dislexia perceptual em ambientes com freqüências de luz “anormal”. Dr. Lewine’s experiment also produced an unexpected finding. While attempting to quantify the difference between “normal” (or non-dyslexics) and dyslexics, Dr. Lewine found that he could actually CAUSE 5-6 percent of his “normal” test population to develop dyslexic-type brain dysfunction when he exposed them to “abnormal” light frequency environments. The fact that non-dyslexics could become dyslexic and non-functional in certain types of lighting environments was previously unknown and unreported in the literature. This means that some ordinarily non-dyslexic personnel can develop gross inefficiency, degraded performance, and/or become dysfunctional and unable to perform normally under certain lighting conditions such as red battle lighting, blue precision operating bays, or in foggy or hazy conditions.

54 A modificação do espectro da freqüência de luz altera:
a atividade cerebral = ela retorna ao padrão normal. os sinais nas conexões visuais = eles voltam a ser um tipo mais normal de sinal. Then, in the late ’90s, Dr. Jeffrey Lewine, a neuroscientist, while at the University of Utah Center for Advanced Medical Technologies, discovered that modifying the light frequency spectrum that went to a perceptual dyslexic’s vision system could make the brain activity alter and revert to a more normal brain pattern. He also determined that such a modification of light frequency could alter the signal in the visual pathways so that it became more like the signal of a non-dyslexic person.

A dislexia perceptual é uma condição real. A causa básica do problema está no processamento da recepção visual. A iluminação do ambiente pode afetar o desempenho. So, we now know, through scientific experimentation and data that: Perceptual dyslexia or Irlen Syndrome is real. That the lighting environment can affect—for better or worse—the performance of both dyslexic and non-dyslexic personnel. And that the basic cause of the problem lies in the visual receptor processing system of the eye’s receptor fields.

56 Uma anomalia no campo receptor gera problemas no sinal das conexões visuais.
Problemas com o sinal demandam esforço excessivo, por parte do cérebro, para fazer o processamento visual. Further, we know that the receptor field problem produces an anomaly with the signal in the visual pathways that color apparently ameliorates. And we know that the dyslexic’s brain must expend enormous amounts of effort and energy to properly process the problematic signal. O esforço excessivo causa distorções, hiperatividade, desatenção, dor de cabeça, tonteira, náuseas, etc.

PESSOAL - Educadores e profissionais da saúde capacitados para a avaliação inicial. MATERIAL - Questionários; figuras de avaliação; transparências coloridas e lentes coloridas. LOCAIS - 36 centros credenciados pelo IRLEN INSTITUTE no mundo (No Brasil, HOSPITAL DE OLHOS – BH/MG) ESSENCIAL - Exame com oftalmologista capacitado em Síndrome de Irlen. So, how can we help those with the problem?

Teste rápido: cerca de 10 a 15 questões básicas. Teste completo (com avaliação relacionada com leitura): cerca de 1h30min a 2 horas. There are several methods of screening for perceptual dyslexia, most notably the Irlen Method and the Wilkins Rate of Reading test. Initial screenings using either method can be performed quickly and easily by minimally trained personnel, providing almost immediate amelioration through use of overlays. Longer screenings should be performed by educational specialists highly trained in the methods before “diagnosis” of an appropriate eyeglass filter color is made. The first of the two Irlen methods of screening consists of a rather short test with approximately 10 to 15 questions and an overlay assessment. It is easy to administer, and minimum training is required to properly administer the screening. The second type of Irlen screenings is an in-depth, rather lengthy test that is best administered by someone who is trained in both education and the Irlen Method. This test consists of a number of reading-based tasks and in-depth questions about the subject’s symptoms. Remember: Determination of the correct overlay color(s) is highly individualized and based on trial and error.

59 Questionários de fácil aplicação. Escalas simples.
OBJETIVO: Identificar a cor adequada para cada pessoa, para alterar o espectro de luz com transparências ou lentes. The Wilkins Rate of Reading Test is easy to administer and consists of four easy one-minute tests. If the subject is suspected of having perceptual dyslexia, the choice of appropriate overlay color(s) is made by trial and error until reading is no longer uncomfortable. The Rate of Reading Test is used to assess the individual in terms of reading rate and errors. All the words are short—4 letters or less—and should be familiar to anyone over the age of 7. A benchmark test is administered with the individual’s preferred overlay; then two different versions without the overlay; and, finally, a fourth test with the overlay again. The correct overlay or combination of overlays should eliminate the subject’s perceptual problems. The entire process shouldn’t take more than about half an hour. Questionários de fácil aplicação. Escalas simples. Teste inicial relativamente rápido.

60 Síndrome de Irlen SEM lente.
Síndrome de Irlen COM lente.

61 Para concluir, sugestões de ações para a sala de aula…

62 Diminua a intensidade das luzes.
Use iluminação mais similar à natural. Use quadro negro em vez de branco. Permita que os alunos usem papéis coloridos. Permita que os alunos usem bonés ou viseiras em sala de aula. Ajuste as configurações de cor e brilho do fundo da tela e das fontes. Altere o espectro de luz com filtros - lentes ou transparências, de acordo com a(s) cor(es) adequada(s) para cada pessoa. Helping to fix the problem can often be accomplished relatively inexpensively and with a minimum of hassle. Some simple steps to help those with perceptual dyslexia—before even going to overlays or filters—include the following: The lighting recommendations for non-residential buildings have dramatically increased over time since the 1930s. Classrooms and offices are usually brightly lit, sometimes by daylight, artificial lighting, or both, and lighting levels are sometimes more than 4 times the recommended levels. Such lighting levels produce an abundance of glare, especially from glossy surfaces, including books and white boards. Whenever possible, use natural lighting instead of fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lighting has a flicker rate of over 100 times per second and can be extremely distracting—and painful—to those who are hypersensitive to it.

63 UM SÓ PROFESSOR CAPACITADO PARA IDENTIFICAR ESSE DISTÚRBIO SERÁ UMA ESPERANÇA PARA MUITOS, QUE SE BENIFICARÃO COM: Menos fadiga visual Menos desânimo Mais tempo prestando atenção Aumento das habilidades acadêmicas Melhor atitude em relação a fazer exercícios Maior eficiência na execução de tarefas

64 Melhoria da velocidade de leitura e da compreensão
Redução do nervosismo Eliminação de frustração e estresse Mais auto-confiança Menos problemas comportamentais Menos abandono dos estudos Menos problemas de violência social. And the military would benefit in such areas as recruiting and retention, training and education, and fleet performance.


66 nem os alto do custo psicossocial dos problemas com aprendizagem!
Infelizmente, nem todos as áreas têm conhecimento ou a sensibilidade para perceberem POTENCIAIS… Nem os das possíveis habilidades nem os alto do custo psicossocial dos problemas com aprendizagem!


68 Recorde de público: 183.341 pessoas.
Esse total ainda é menor do que as crianças e os jovens que abandonam a escola brasileira anualmente, por terem dificuldades para aprender!… (MEC/2007)

69 A sociedade conta conosco, educadores de visão, para diminuir esta tragédia!

70 E desejando trocar mais idéias, estou às suas ordens!
Para contato, ou (31)


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